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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

1 min read

NAIFA Represented at AAIFPA Conference

By Mark Briscoe on 11/11/19 2:59 PM

Lily Fong and Emily Cabbage

Bing V. Cheng and Emily Cabbage

NAIFA’s Associate Director – Member Program Emily Cabbage attended the recent National Convention of the Asian American Insurance & Financial Professional Association (AAIFPA) in Flushing, N.Y., where she met with Lily Fong, chair of AAIFPA’s Board of Directors, and Bing V. Cheng, AAIFPA VP of Life Insurance and the AAIFPA Northeast Chapter President.

NAIFA and AAIFPA collaborate and work together under a partnership agreement to strengthen programs that advance their members' professional development and education, and support political advocacy and engagement.

NAIFA encourages AAIFPA members to take advantage of the resources and opportunities to support the industry on NAIFA’s Advocacy Action Center and to attend NAIFA’s annual Congressional Conference legislative event in Washington, D.C.

NAIFA represents insurance and financial professionals and their Main Street clients in diverse communities across the United States. NAIFA members come from every congressional district in the country and unite to form a grassroots army advocating on behalf of their colleagues and consumers.




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