NAIFA's Advisor Today: Live+Work+Give

NAIFA Members Strongly Represented Among NAILBA’s ID Twenty Award Winners

Written by Mark Briscoe | 10/28/19 12:58 PM

NAILBA’s 2019 ID Twenty Awards recognize the “most courageous innovators and visionaries who have important contributions to the insurance profession” in independent distribution. NAIFA would like to congratulate all of the winners and particularly the seven who are NAIFA members:

  • Keith M. Gillies, CFP, MBA, NAIFA-Louisiana and national Past-President
  • Brian Haney, CFS, CLTC, CFBS, CIS, LACP, NAIFA-Maryland
  • Sheryl J. Moore, ACS, AIAA, AIRC, ALMI, NAIFA-Iowa
  • Ryan J. Pinney, LACP, NAIFA-California and national Board of Trustees
  • Joe Ross, ChFC, CLU, CRC, NAIFA-Colorado
  • William J. Shelow Jr., CLU, ChFC, CPCU, LLIF, NAIFA-Maryland
  • Heather Ulz, NAIFA-California

“We received over 60 nominations of BGA principals, carrier executives, case managers, contract specialists, regional vice presidents, underwriters, techies, marketing and operational gurus. It was inspiring for the committee of seven BGA principals and carrier representatives to see the number of responses from the industry and learn about so many people that are making important contributions to the insurance profession,” stated Dan LaBert, CEO of NAILBA.

The recipients will be acknowledged on November 7 at NAILBA’s annual conference in Dallas. In addition to the ID Twenty Award winners, NAIFA will be represented at the NAILBA conference by CEO Kevin Mayeux and will host an exhibit booth. NAIFA and NAILBA have developed a strong collaboration in areas of political advocacy and professional development where the two associations have mutual interests.

“I am proud to see NAIFA members so strongly represented among the NAILBA ID Twenty Award winners,” said Mayeux. “It goes to show how NAIFA members are among the highest achievers and leaders in our industry and illustrated the strong bond that NAILBA and NAIFA have forged over the years. Congratulations to all of the winners.”