NAIFA's Advisor Today: Live+Work+Give

Enthusiasm Is High: Watch the Q4 State of NAIFA On-Demand

Written by Ronan Friend | 11/1/21 9:21 PM

This week’s Q4 State of NAIFA meeting featured NAIFA President Tom Michel, CEO Kevin Mayeux, and AVP of Government Relations Judi Carsrud.  

Michel gave an up-beat overview of the year so far and NAIFA’s plans for the future. He also highlighted the upcoming National Leadership Conference on December 6-7, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

Mayeux outlined NAIFA’s progress in 2021 in the context of the NAIFA 2025 Strategic Plan, which centers on membership growth, brand amplification, and member experience. Mayeux also promoted NAIFA’s annual conference on August 16-18, 2022, in Phoenix.  

Carsrud spoke about the reconciliation bill (Build Back Better) currently in Congress and the Department of Labor’s proposed changes to standard of care guidelines. She highlighted key points of interest and encouraged members to reach out to their elected officials and use the advocacy resources available at NAIFA's Advocacy Action Center.