NAIFA's Advisor Today: Live+Work+Give

Be Prepared for Life Insurance Awareness Month

Written by NAIFA | 8/13/13 6:12 PM

Each September, the LIFE Foundation coordinates Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM). It’s an industry-wide educational campaign aimed at encouraging all Americans to take stock of their life insurance needs. The resources in  LIFE’s Producer e-Kit will provide you with everything you need to put together an effective LIAM 2013 marketing campaign.

The Marketing Guide provides an overview of all the e-Kit components and advice on how to incorporate them into your marketing efforts. Follow the link below for the full Kit.

NOW AVAILABLE: LIFE’s 2013 LIAM Producer Toolkit

For More Information:

To learn more about Life Insurance Awareness Month and how you can make a difference in this industry-wide effort, please contact The Life and Health Insurance Foundation For Education at