February is Insure Your Love Month, an awareness campaign created by Life Happens to encourage Americans to consider making a life insurance purchase. The campaign is centered on one simple premise: the main reason to buy life insurance is because you have loved ones and you want to protect them financially from life’s uncertainties.
You can start, and then ask your social “peeps” to do the same. Maybe it’s a picture of you jogging with your dog and youngest kid in the snow. Perhaps it’s when you and your staff have helped out at a soup kitchen. Or, it could be a snuggle with the love of your life. Whatever it is, be genuine, tag it #InsureYourLove, and post away.
During the month of February, Life Happens will be collecting a gallery of all the posts tagged with #InsureYourLove. Be sure to add the hashtag to your Twitter and Instagrams posts so that they are included in the gallery. For Facebook, make sure you tag the Life Happens Facebook page in addition to using the hashtag.
Here’s what others are up to!