NAIFA National Council Session to take place May 22 in conjunction with NAIFA Congressional Conference |
From: Keith Gillies, CFP, CLU, ChFC, NAIFA President and Kevin Mayeux, CAE, Chief Executive OfficerThis memo serves as the official announcement of a special meeting of the NAIFA National Council as prescribed in Article X, Sections 2 & 4 of the Bylaws of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. This special meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at the Renaissance Washington, DC hotel prior to the NAIFA 2018 Congressional Conference. The purpose of this special meeting is for the National Council to consider the revision of the NAIFA national bylaws, as proposed by the NAIFA Board of Trustees, based on the recommendations of the NAIFA Quality Member Experience (QME) Task Force. This is the same proposal that was scheduled to be considered by the National Council at the NAIFA Performance + Purpose 2017 Conference which was cancelled due to Hurricane Irma. Click here for more information about the NAIFA QME Task Force and click here for more information about the proposed bylaws revision.Members who wish to act as voting delegates must register for and attend the NAIFA 2018 Congressional Conference. Click here to register. Delegates must be current active members of NAIFA and be confirmed by their state association leadership to serve as a delegate. The special National Council Session will begin at 8:00 am on Tuesday, May 22. All delegates must arrive by 7:00 am, at least one hour prior to the session, to confirm their voting credentials prior to the session. Delegates must be present and credentialed prior to the session in order to vote. Note to Association Presidents, National Committeepersons and Executives: