NAIFA's Advisor Today: Live+Work+Give

Glenn Crawford Is Recipient of NAIFA’s Hard Hat Award!

Written by NAIFA | 10/23/20 4:53 PM

We are pleased to announce that Glenn Crawford is the recipient of NAIFA’s Hard Hat Award. This new NAIFA award will be given quarterly to NAIFA leaders and members who are putting in the hard work necessary to grow membership.

Crawford is a Financial Services Representative for Signature Resources in La Crescenta, CA, and has been a loyal NAIFA member since 2015. He is a man who lives with intention and “believes in being a participant in life, not a spectator” as evidenced by the fact that he is President Elect of NAIFA-LA. He is a lifelong learner who is passionate about impacting and empowering others.

For more information on Crawford, please read our Loyal Member Profile on him on the Advisor Today Blog at

Congratulations, Glenn, on winning this prestigious award!