NAIFA's Advisor Today: Live+Work+Give

NAIFA Leaders Encourage Women Advisors' Political Involvement at WIFS Conference

Written by NAIFA | 10/5/22 9:16 PM

NAIFA Trustees Win Havir and Aprilyn Chavez Geissler and member Sue Kuraja appeared on a panel at the recent Women in Insurance and Financial Services  (WIFS) National Conference in Phoenix to discuss: "What If the True Kingmaker Is the Queen? Taking the Power of Women to the Polls."

All three of the panelists support NAIFA's advocacy mission and have earned NAIFA's Financial Security Advocate badge. They encouraged other women in the insurance and financial profession to make their voices heard by participating in grassroots advocacy. 

NAIFA's Kuraja, Geissler, and Havir at WIFS

WIFS and NAIFA are long-standing advocacy partners. At its recent Apex conference, NAIFA sponsored an Advocacy Accelerator Course for women and Hispanic financial professionals. That session featured Geissler, NAIFA member and then WIFS Vice President of (WIFS) Toni Gonzales, LACP; and then WIFS President Darlene Flagg. Gonzales, who has been a loyal NAIFA member since 2017, has since succeeded Flagg as the WIFS National President.