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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

3 min read

NAIFA Report Explores Challenges and Opportunities for Advisors Serving Diverse Markets

By Mark Briscoe on 9/26/16 2:17 PM

NAIFA’s new report, “Finding Success in Diverse Markets,” examines the diverse communities that are rapidly changing the face of America and offers critical insights to insurance and financial advisors for successful engagement. The report is sponsored by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, an organization that recognizes the opportunities that lie ahead for advisors serving diverse markets.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Selling life insurance is 'a magnificent obsession'

By NAIFA on 9/26/16 12:17 PM

web_0000_brennanTo D. Scott Brennan, selling life insurance is more than a calling. “It’s a magnificent obsession.”

Topics: Grow Your Business
2 min read

NAIFA CEO: NAIFA 20/20 is Blueprint for the Future

By NAIFA on 9/22/16 4:24 PM

web_0012_kevinOne year after joining NAIFA as its chief executive officer, Kevin Mayeux told the National Council that NAIFA “has forged a new path” through NAIFA 20/20, a strategic roadmap and action plan that will reinvent the Association and enable leaders to meet industry challenges and serve members in 2020 and beyond.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Even With the DOL Rule, Serving the Middle Market Should Remain a Focus

By Mark Briscoe on 9/22/16 3:00 PM

web_0011_jordan“You talk to people who will never be rich, but who don’t deserve to be poor,” Joe Jordan told attendees of his workshop, “Back to Basics: Surviving in a Post-DOL Environment,” at NAIFA’s Performance + Purpose conference.

Topics: Grow Your Business
2 min read

NAIFA President: On Track for a Successful Future

By NAIFA on 9/22/16 2:51 PM

web_0010_doughertyWhile it would be “a near impossible task” to quantify the positive impact NAIFA has had in its 126-year history, the challenges to the industry “are daunting” as the number of legislative and regulatory initiatives continue to threaten and change the very nature of the profession, NAIFA President Paul Dougherty said during the P+P Conference in Las Vegas.

Topics: Grow Your Business
2 min read

Financial Uncertainty Makes This the "Greatest Time Ever to Sell Life Insurance"

By Mark Briscoe on 9/22/16 2:14 PM

web_0009_muellerThere is a financial crisis coming in the United States, and it is going to be a big one, Van Mueller told attendees at NAIFA’s Performance + Purpose conference.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Addressing the Talent Gap

By Mark Briscoe on 9/18/16 3:15 PM

web_0006_branch web_0007_reddBy 2018, a quarter of the current professionals in the insurance and financial services industry will retire, including half of the senior leaders at some companies. More than 400,000 insurance industry positions will need to be filled by 2020.

Topics: Grow Your Business

RealLifeStories Tell the Power of Insurance in a Personal Way

By Mark Briscoe on 9/18/16 2:31 PM

web_0005_rlsLife Happens again this year presented its RealLifeStories program at the NAIFA Performance + Purpose conference in Las Vegas. The powerful, emotional stories told by people who overcame tremendous difficulties in their lives with the aid of insurance products captivated the General Session audience. At once heart-breaking and uplifting, this year’s RealLifeStories demonstrate the real-world benefits of life, health, disability and long-term care insurance.

Topics: Grow Your Business
2 min read

NAIFA President Reviews 'Checklist' of Year's Accomplishments

By NAIFA on 9/18/16 12:05 PM

web_0004_gaudreauThe insurance and financial services industry is increasingly “under attack” from those who do not have the courage to do what NAIFA members do every day, NAIFA President Jules Gaudreau told an audience of members Sept. 17 at the Performance + Purpose Conference in Las Vegas.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Steps for Taking Your Practice to the Next Level of Success

By Mark Briscoe on 9/17/16 8:36 PM

How to Jumpstart Your Career

web_0003_finleyDuring the NAIFA Performance + Purpose Conference currently under way in Las Vegas, attendees learned the top steps they can take to boost and jumpstart their careers. They learned these important steps from Dan Finley, president and co-founder of Advisor Solutions, a financial advisors business consulting and coaching service dedicated to helping advisors build a better business.

Topics: Grow Your Business


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