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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

2 min read

The Financial States of America

By NAIFA on 6/29/16 3:17 PM

As life expectancies continue to climb, Americans are increasingly less confident that their savings will last through retirement. According to the latest findings from Northwestern Mutual's 2016 Planning & Progress Study, two thirds of Americans believe there is some chance that they will outlive their savings, with 1 in 3 (34%) saying the likelihood is 51% or better.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Small-Business Owners Plan to Exit, but Unprepared to Do So

By NAIFA on 6/14/16 2:34 PM

Small-business owners planning to exit their businesses for retirement or other reasons may be in for a rude awakening.

Topics: Grow Your Business
2 min read

New Workshop: Serving your Clients With Fiduciary Compliance

By NAIFA on 6/9/16 4:39 PM

If you are an advisor working with qualified plans and IRAs, you do not want to miss NAIFA’s Skill Builders Series Workshop, “Serving your Clients with Fiduciary Compliance.” This four-hour course will give you the information and training you need to succeed in today’s complex regulatory environment.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Americans Underestimate the Risk of Disability

By NAIFA on 6/6/16 10:49 AM

When we think about protecting ourselves and our families, we think about locking our doors, buying a safe car, exercising, or even wearing sunscreen.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

What Worries Americans the Most

By NAIFA on 5/24/16 11:22 AM

Data released recently by Hartford Funds uncover Americans’ top financial concerns as they age, as well as what worries them the most about their aging parents. Overwhelmingly, Americans worry about becoming a financial burden on their family members and not having saved enough money. In addition, survey respondents are most worried about their aging parents maintaining a high quality of life.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Millennials and Gen Xers Worry More About Disability than Older Workers

By NAIFA on 5/18/16 2:05 PM

In the 2016 Insurance Barometer Study, 56 percent of consumers said they were concerned about supporting themselves if they became disabled and could not work. Specifically, 7 in 10 Gen X and Millennials consumers said disability was a financial worry, second only to having enough money in retirement. (Chart)

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Two-Thirds of Americans Do Not Own DI insurance

By NAIFA on 5/4/16 2:57 PM

May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month, a good time to shine the spotlight on the state of DI insurance in America. According to Northwestern Mutual’s 2016 Planning & Progress Study, half of Americans rely on their job income to meet their financial obligations; yet more than two thirds (69%) do not own DI insurance to protect this integral asset in case an illness or injury interferes with their ability to work.

Topics: Grow Your Business
3 min read

What it Takes to Close a Sale

By NAIFA on 5/2/16 2:10 PM

There are many in sales who believe that success depends on a friendly smile, a gift for small talk, and a large dose of enthusiasm and optimism. Others might toss in a passion for selling, listening, the ability to close, and coming across as sincere.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Life Insurance Premium Rises 6 Percent

By NAIFA on 4/22/16 10:01 AM

U.S. individual life insurance new annualized premium increased 1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2015. This is the sixth consecutive quarter of positive growth, according to LIMRA’s Fourth Quarter 2015 U.S. Retail Individual Life Insurance Sales Survey.

Topics: Grow Your Business
3 min read

Retirement Plan Reviews Miss the Mark In Terms of Frequency and Focus

By NAIFA on 4/6/16 12:35 PM

Many financial advisors neglect to review the effectiveness of retirement plans with plan sponsors as often as many sponsors want and, when reviews do take place, they often fail to focus on what’s most important, according to research from MassMutual Retirement Services.

Topics: Grow Your Business


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