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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

4 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Lynn Schreder

By Ronan Friend on 6/7/23 10:00 AM

In 2002, Lynn Schreder entered the insurance and financial services industry after being laid off from her telecommunications job. She put her problem-solving skills to work and soon found that she loved having a career dedicated to helping people.  

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
5 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Doug Lenhoff 

By Ronan Friend on 6/5/23 10:00 AM

For nearly 50 years, the throughline of Doug Lenhoff's career has been protection. A West Point graduate, Lenhoff spent 15 years in the US Army—including five years in Germany—before making the switch to insurance and financial services. Since then, he’s developed his niche and become an expert in disability insurance. 

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
4 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Chad Horsham

By Ronan Friend on 6/2/23 10:00 AM

Like many, Chad Horsham, LUTCF®, CLU®, ChFC®, RICP®, got into the insurance and financial services industry through serendipity. In 2004, he ran into his real estate agent while out on a walk with his dog. When she heard he was looking for a new job, she suggested he look into New York Life Insurance Company. Nineteen years later, he’s a financial advisor through Eagle Strategies, LLC, an insurance agent at New York Life, and owns his own agency, Horsham Financial Group.

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
4 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Michael Gaeta

By Ronan Friend on 5/10/23 10:00 AM

In 1979, Michael Gaeta, CLU®, LUTCF®, LACP, knew he needed to make a change. He had been managing restaurants since he was 16 years old but needed a career with more stability and a higher income. That's when he joined Prudential, starting with life insurance and eventually working his way up to financial advising. 

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
3 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Terry Anderson

By Ronan Friend on 5/1/23 10:00 AM

Aflac District Coordinator Terry Anderson's interest in the insurance industry started with a snowmobile accident that reinforced for him a fundamental truth about insurance—when people get hurt or sick, they still need money to pay the bills. Two years later, Anderson was talking with a customer in his store who was an Aflac agent. She told him that, when someone gets hurt or sick, Aflac pays the claim quickly and Anderson asked himself, “Why didn’t I know about this after my accident?” From that conversation, he decided to start his career in insurance.

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
4 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Melissa Snively

By Ronan Friend on 4/17/23 10:00 AM

When Melissa Snively graduated from college, she began working as a national consultant for her University of Florida sorority. The job required long and strenuous hours, though, so she wanted to find a new opportunity. She had a friend who worked for State Farm who suggested she join the company. In 1994, she started as an underwriter, then became an agent before opening her own State Farm agency in 2001. 

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
5 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Rith Nou

By Ronan Friend on 4/10/23 10:00 AM

Rith Nou always knew she wanted to make a career helping people. A Cambodian refugee, Nou learned English from volunteers who came to her school to read to her, and she used that knowledge to help her family and community communicate and navigate the American financial system. 

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
3 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Greg Ayers

By Ronan Friend on 3/22/23 10:00 AM

Greg Ayers, CLTC, RICP, is a New York Life Insurance Company agent and advisor committed to serving Main Street USA through education and political advocacy.

Getting Started 

Ayers got a later start in his insurance and financial services career than most. He has always been interested in finance and had two career paths to choose from when he graduated from college. He was offered a financial services position, but it was an intimidating prospect. At the same time, he received a job offer for a banking position. He chose the banking job. While he gained valuable experience, he eventually got discouraged because of the lack of opportunity for upward movement. When he started looking for other options, he found his true passion as an insurance agent.

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
3 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Raydania Peña

By Ronan Friend on 3/15/23 10:00 AM

Raydania Peña got her first taste of financial literacy when her family immigrated from the Dominican Republic to the United States. Her mother didn’t speak English, so Peña translated bank documents for her. The more she learned, the more she wanted to use her knowledge and skills to help others in her community navigate their finances, too. But she didn’t plan to build a career in insurance and financial services. In fact, she dismissed the idea the first two times it came across her path. The third time, however, she decided to give it a try and became an agent with New York Life Insurance Company.

Topics: Financial Literacy Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
2 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Chad Tredway

By Ronan Friend on 3/13/23 10:00 AM

NAIFA-OK Vice President of Advocacy Chad Tredway, LUTCF®, FSCP®, always knew he wanted to be in the financial services industry. He studied actuarial science in college but found his true calling working with customers directly, learning their stories, and helping them as they mapped out their financial futures. After several years as an agent, he was appointed as a district manager. Now, he uses his years of experience as an agent to mentor and train agents.

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile


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