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Coventry is a partner with the NAIFA Limited & Extended Care Planning Center.

Recent posts by Coventry

4 min read

Retirement Regrets – Does Retirement Live Up to Expectations?

By Coventry on 9/28/21 10:15 AM

Ah, retirement. The reward at the end of years in the labor force, of saving and investing and planning for financially sound, restful, and even adventure-filled golden years. Millions of Americans enter retirement annually, but increased reliance on Social Security income and Covid-19’s impact on employment, access to social supports, and mental and physical health have altered the retirement experience for retirees across the U.S. With retiree numbers significantly increasing in the last year and predictions of more to come at an accelerated rate, we wanted to know if retirement still lives up to expectations. Are retirees experiencing the retirement they expected, or do they have regrets? 

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Retirement Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Potential Partners for Advisors


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