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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

2 min read

Carroll Golden Sheds Light on the Hidden Struggles of Caregiving

By NAIFA on 4/22/24 11:00 AM

Carroll Golden, Executive Director of NAIFA's Centers of Excellence and the Limited & Extended Care Planning Center (LECP), was recently interviewed by Bill Hortz to shed light on the often-overlooked realm of informal caregiving. With millions of Americans engaged in the care of loved ones, Golden reveals the economic and emotional challenges that persist in what she refers to as the "shadow" caregiving economy.

Golden, a best-selling author who recently released How Not to Pull Your Life Apart: Caregiving, highlights the staggering figures reported by AARP in their 2021 report, "Valuing the Invaluable," which estimates the economic value of informal caregiving at around $600 billion annually, contributed by some 38 million family caregivers. Despite such significant contributions, the financial and emotional tolls on caregivers are largely unrecognized in traditional financial planning. Golden stresses the urgent need for tools and resources to aid financial professionals in supporting caregivers to manage both the immediate and long-term challenges of caregiving.

Topics: Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
3 min read

It's Long-Term Care Awareness Month: Make Sure Your Clients Prepare for Any Eventuality

By NAIFA on 11/2/23 10:54 AM

November is National Long-Term Care Awareness Month and it is a great time to bring potential limited and extended care planning needs top-of-mind with your clients. It is important for every comprehensive financial plan to include LTC considerations. So even if LTC insurance is not your primary line of business, Long-Term Care Awareness Month gives you a good opportunity to get clients up to speed.

Topics: Long-Term Care Long-Term Care Insurance Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

Breathe New Life Into Your Bottom Line with Supplemental Health Products

By NAIFA on 5/17/23 10:24 AM

Accident, critical illness, and hospital indemnity products are often not top-of-mind but offer incredible value as stand-alone products, while also working well together when paired with health insurance.

At the next Advisor Today on Wednesday, May 31 at 12 pm eastern, find out how these products can provide a whole health solution for your clients and offer advantages to agents looking to grow their business.

Topics: Grow Your Business Webinar Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Insurance
2 min read

Change the Conversation with Financial Longevity Wellness

By NAIFA on 3/13/23 10:12 AM

Want to differentiate yourself? Then change the conversation! hot topic that every client is concerned about is Financial Longevity Wellness. Today’s clients are worried about outliving or outspending their money or getting caught in an expensive ‘sandwich generation’ situation, or worrying about family or business financial wellness. 

Join the next Advisor Today webinar on Wednesday, March 23 at 12 pm eastern, as Carroll Golden, Executive Director of NAIFA's Centers of Excellence, demonstrates a three-step formula to show how to incorporate Financial Longevity Wellness in the products and services you provide, while staying focused on your client’s story.  

Topics: Long-Term Care Webinar Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Insurance
2 min read

Join NAIFA at the ILTCI Conference in Denver, March 12-15

By NAIFA on 2/21/23 1:39 PM

NAIFA will join our Limited & Extended Care Planning Center (LECP) partner, ILTCI, for the 2023 ILTCI Conference in Denver, CO, from March 12-15, 2023, at the Sheraton Downtown Denver.

ILTCI’s annual educational conference is for representatives of the long-term and extended care planning community and other strategic allies, including providers, public policy institutions, professional organizations, federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: An Alternative to Long-Term Care Coverage

By NAIFA on 1/25/23 11:51 AM

When long-term care insurance is not an option due to a person's health and/or finances, there may be an alternative solution to a difficult situation. Limited long-term care insurance can be an option to help during your client's time of need.

Register now for this upcoming webinar discussing limited long-term care on Tuesday, February 7 at 2 pm eastern.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited Care Webinar Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Insurance
5 min read

How to Talk to Your Parents About Long-Term Care

By Cameron Huddleston on 12/9/22 9:30 AM

As your parents age, there’s a good chance they will need long-term care. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, more than half of Americans turning 65 today will develop a disability serious enough that they will need daily help with the basic activities of living. Most will need care for less than two years, but 1 in 7 will need assistance for more than five years.

As tough as it might be to imagine your parents being unable to care for themselves, the thought of discussing this possibility with them probably seems even harder. But it’s important to talk to your parents sooner rather than later to develop a plan for long-term care if they ever need it. If you wait for an emergency to strike, emotions will be running high and you’ll likely have fewer options to deal with your parents’ need for care.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

Long-Term Care Crisis ‘Sneaking Up on Most Americans’

By NAIFA on 11/3/22 10:03 AM

On Monday, October 31's "Don't Be Scared of Long-Term Care," NAIFA's Executive Director of Centers of Excellence, Carroll Golden, addressed the crisis of long-term care that is sneaking up on most Americans. "When we look at the cost of care, it’s only increasing and it’s increasing dramatically," she said at the Limited & Extended Care Planning Center's annual Impact Day.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

Tackle the Scariest Topics in Long-Term Care at LTC Impact Day 2022

By NAIFA on 10/19/22 11:35 AM

We're kicking off November's Long-Term Care Awareness Month on Halloween, Monday, October 31 to get the message out that you don't need to be scared of long-term care conversations!

NAIFA's Limited & Extended Care Planning (LECP) Center is hosting "Don't Be Scared of Long-Term Care," a free, day-long virtual program from 9 am to 5 pm. Included are interactive sessions from industry leaders who will address the scariest of topics in the long-term care arena. 

Topics: Long-Term Care Webinar Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

LIMRA Finds Employers Look to Modify Employee Benefits Offerings

By NAIFA on 7/14/22 8:54 AM

A new survey by NAIFA’s industry partner LIMRA and EY found that about 75% of employers believe they will need to modify their employee benefits packages within the next five years to attract and retain top talent. Among the top benefits employers believe workers will be most interested in are: life insurance, paid family and medical leave, short-term disability, long-term disability, and physical wellness programs. The survey also found that a significant portion of workers place a greater value on workplace insurance benefits – particularly health insurance, life insurance, and disability insurance – than they did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Topics: Group & Employee Benefits LIMRA Limited & Extended Care Planning Center


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