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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

5 min read

For NAIFA Member Jennifer Hodges, Success Is in the Cards

By Mark Briscoe on 8/9/23 10:26 AM

If it’s Tuesday after business hours, you’ll probably find Jennifer Hodges, LACP, CIC, at the local American Legion post in her regular place at the $10 poker game she’s been a part of for the past five years. But if you ask her about her poker face, she might hesitate.

Topics: Property & Casualty Insurance Leadership Loyal Member Profile Missouri
4 min read

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Modern “Financial Advisor” Elder?

By Simon Reilly on 8/8/23 5:09 PM

What is a Modern Elder?

The Modern Elder Academy describes modern elders as people in midlife (45–65) or older who are as curious as they are wise.

“Elderly refers solely to years lived on the planet, while ‘elder’ refers to what we do with those years” – Chip Conley, Author of Wisdom@Work and Co-Founder of The Modern Elder Academy

3 min read

NAIFA Welcomes New Member Ryan Mooneyham

By Ronan Friend on 8/7/23 10:00 AM

An agent with Missouri Insurance Advisors, Ryan Mooneyham serves his community in Springfield, Missouri. 

Topics: Member Spotlight New Member Profile
3 min read

NAIFA Announces Apex East Sales Summit to Be Held in New National Headquarters this October

By NAIFA on 8/3/23 3:19 PM

NAIFA's Apex East conference is a pure-play sales summit that brings together high-performing producers and their colleagues in the financial services industry, including professionals in the fields of estate planning law, accounting, financial technology, performance coaching, wellness, and others.

Topics: Sales & Marketing Press Release Apex
2 min read

NAIFA's LACP Certification Sets You Apart

By NAIFA on 8/2/23 1:35 PM

Are you a successful producer, dedicated to your career and committed to providing knowledgeable, ethical client service? Let the world know by getting NAIFA’s Life and Annuity Certified Professional (LACP) certification.

Topics: Certifications & Designations LACP
3 min read

Automating Health Insurance Sales, Back-Office, and Commission Accounting

By Ken Leibow on 8/1/23 4:25 PM

In the rapidly evolving health insurance sales landscape, efficient process management poses significant challenges for Field Marketing Organizations (FMOs) and Brokerage General Agencies (BGAs). Enrollment, quoting, customer management and engagement, and commissions are handled by disparate platforms that lack communication and may not be tailored to the industry's specific needs.

Topics: Health Care FinTech Insurance
3 min read

August Is Awesome for NAIFA Advocacy

By NAIFA on 8/1/23 4:05 PM

August is In-District Meetings month at NAIFA.

Every August, Congress recesses, allowing Senators and Representatives to spend a few weeks working from their home states and districts. Things slow to a crawl in our nation’s capital but they really heat up in Congressional districts across the country. It’s an opportunity NAIFA does not pass up.

Topics: Press Release Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congress
3 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Danny Mielneczek

By Ronan Friend on 7/31/23 10:00 AM

Danny Mielneczek started his insurance and financial services career recruiting new advisors. After two years, he decided to pivot and became a financial representative with COUNTRY Financial 

Topics: Member Spotlight Loyal Member Profile
4 min read

How to Get New Client Introductions Worth Their Weight in Gold

By Joe Templin on 7/28/23 10:00 AM

I was reading an analysis the other day and they quoted a study saying a third of entrepreneurs plan on investing more in training, specifically sales, in the economic uncertainty. And we all know that in uncertain times and recession, investing in skills and sales are the best investments possible.

Topics: Prospecting Grow Your Business
38 min read

How Participating in NAIFA Adds Value to Your Financial Services Career With Tom Cothron

By NAIFA on 7/25/23 11:35 AM

Tom Cothron is an agency manager for a multi-line insurance company offering auto, home, and life insurance products. Tom is a seasoned expert, spending 40-plus years dedicated to the financial services industry. He is a certified Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow (LUTCF) and a Financial Services Certified Professional (FSCP). He currently presides as NAIFAs President-Elect.

Topics: Podcast


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