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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

1 min read

NAIFA Members, Be Sure to Take Advantage of DIAM Resources From Life Happens

By Kevin Mayeux on 3/18/25 9:22 AM

Once again this May Life Happens will coordinate Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM), an annual campaign Life Happens created to raise consumer awareness. Now that Life Happens is a NAIFA Community, specially curated content featuring DIAM messaging is available to NAIFA members to help them connect with their clients and consumers.

Topics: Disability Income Insurance Disability Insurance Awareness Month NAIFA CEO Executive Summary
3 min read

What Is New and Sexy in the Income-Protection and Disability Insurance Space?

By Corey Anderson, DIA on 5/24/24 1:45 PM

May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month. To mark the occasion, Advisor Today is please to bring you this article by the DI Geek, himself, Corey Anderson. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Topics: Disability Income Insurance Disability Insurance Awareness Month
1 min read

NAIFA's Cordaro Says Gig Workers Are a Good Market for DI, but Getting the Right Information Is Key

By NAIFA on 5/11/23 8:00 AM

During Disability Insurance Awareness Month, InsuranceNewsNet features an article from NAIFA member Rick Cordaro, DIA, DIF, LUTCF®. In the article, Rick shares insights into the intricacies of protecting gig economy workers with disability insurance. 

Topics: Certifications & Designations Disability Insurance Disability Income Insurance Disability Insurance Awareness Month
4 min read

NAIFA Is Proud to Support Disability Insurance Awareness Month

By Ronan Friend on 5/26/22 3:53 PM

NAIFA is pleased to join our members and industry partners, including Life Happens, to commemorate May as Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM). Disability insurance is an essential part of a solid financial plan and DIAM is a great opportunity to start educating your clients and prospects about the importance of disability insurance coverage. 

Topics: Disability Insurance Research/Trends Insurance Disability Insurance Awareness Month
3 min read

Individual Disability Insurance for Younger Professionals

By NAIFA on 5/13/20 1:50 PM

Many young professionals are in need of individual disability income (DI) insurance, but they may not know it. In an article in the 2019 March/April issue of Advisor Today, Chris Coy, regional director with The Standard, shares three important points you can use to start the conversation about Individual disability income insurance with your clients.

Young professionals have made substantial investments in their careers. Professionals beginning their careers in fields that require extensive schooling and advanced degrees, or who have a high potential for above-average earnings over their lifetime, have already made a significant investment in their future by the time they reach their mid to late 20s. Many are likely carrying large student loan debts and don’t have much savings. For these individuals, protecting future income is important to ensure they can maintain their lifestyles and pay off loans in the event of a disability that leaves them unable to work for a period of time.

Topics: Disability Insurance DIAM Disability Insurance Awareness Month


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