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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

1 min read

Robert Petrocelli named Council Vice President at New York Life

By NAIFA on 12/13/11 10:24 AM

New York Life Insurance Company has named Robert H. Petrocelli, Jr., as Council Vice President, an honor bestowed annually on the New York Life agent with the second-highest performance achievements in the company. As Council Vice President, Petrocelli is a leader of the company’s elite national field force composed of 11,900 licensed New York Life agents.

Topics: People News
1 min read

David Appel Launches People Insurance Firm

By Christine Cusatis on 11/3/11 11:37 AM

By Ayo Mseka

David Appel, CLU, ChFC, AEP, has formed Appel Insurance Advisors, LLC, an independent “people insurance” firm acting as an advisor and/or broker in the acquisition of life, disability, long-term care, and corporate executive benefit programs. The new company maximizes Appel’s 20 years of experience and serves clients both in the New England region and nationally.

Topics: People News


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