In a recent article, Susan Neely, President and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), highlights the growing concern among Americans about their financial security during retirement, given increasing lifespans and economic pressures. The passage of SECURE and SECURE 2.0 aimed to address these concerns by closing savings gaps and expanding retirement security.
2 min read
ACLI's Susan Neely Shares Concerns Over Americans' Retirement Security
By NAIFA on 6/7/23 1:00 PM
Topics: Retirement Legislation & Regulations SECURE 2.0
2 min read
What SECURE 2.0 Means for Your Clients' Retirement and Estate Planning
By NAIFA on 4/20/23 11:00 AM
SECURE 2.0 is here, but what does that mean for your clients' retirement and estate planning? On Tuesday, May 9, from 12 pm to 3 pm eastern, join NAIFA and the Society of Financial Service Professionals for an Advanced Practice Center live virtual event, as three industry experts discuss the impact of SECURE 2.0, what it means for your clients, and why now is the best time to prepare.