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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Mark Briscoe

Mark Briscoe

Mark Briscoe is NAIFA's Senior Director of Strategic Communications

Recent posts by Mark Briscoe

1 min read

Steps for Taking Your Practice to the Next Level of Success

By Mark Briscoe on 9/17/16 8:36 PM

How to Jumpstart Your Career

web_0003_finleyDuring the NAIFA Performance + Purpose Conference currently under way in Las Vegas, attendees learned the top steps they can take to boost and jumpstart their careers. They learned these important steps from Dan Finley, president and co-founder of Advisor Solutions, a financial advisors business consulting and coaching service dedicated to helping advisors build a better business.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Behavioral and Inspirational Governance Define the Advisor of 2020

By Mark Briscoe on 9/17/16 8:09 PM

web_0002_troneDon Trone, founder and CEO of 3ethos, spoke on the concept of behavioral and inspirational governance (BIG) and how it will define the value of an elite insurance and financial advisor in the year 2020. His presentation was one of the Big Ideas talks on the Main Stage of NAIFA’s 2016 Performance + Purpose conference. BIG is focused on understanding the governance process of critical decision making. It provides a framework to link the qualities of leadership, stewardship and governance.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Obamacare Opens Opportunities for Life Insurance Sales

By Mark Briscoe on 9/17/16 4:19 PM

web_0001_liuagRick Liuag, in his workshop “Obamacare. The Greatest Opportunity to Sell Life Insurance” at NAIFA’s Performance+Purpose conference in Las Vegas, explained how the Affordable Care Act has “created a prospecting bonanza for generating senior and business owner clients for financial services professionals. Obamacare, he explained, has increased costs for senior citizens and businesses and their employees creating a need to replace

Topics: Grow Your Business
2 min read

Growing Numbers of Americans Feel Financially Vulnerable

By Mark Briscoe on 9/14/16 11:57 AM


Topics: Grow Your Business
2 min read

Kim Kieschnick Receives NAIFA’s Prestigious 2016 C. Carney Smith Award

By Mark Briscoe on 8/30/16 3:12 PM

KimK_Photo2016.msgNAIFA has recognized Kim Kieschnick with the association’s most prestigious honor in association management: the C. Carney Smith Award. Kieschnick has served as the executive director for NAIFA-Austin (Texas) since 1997.

2 min read

NAIFA, NAAIA Partnership Will Strengthen Members’ Access to Professional Education, Political Advocacy

By Mark Briscoe on 8/23/16 2:41 PM

The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) and the National African American Insurance Association (NAAIA) have formed a partnership to collaborate and work together to strengthen programs that advance member professional development and education, and support political advocacy and engagement. NAIFA and NAAIA will launch the partnership with a NAAIA Membership webinar on Thursday, August 25.

1 min read

NAIFA Members Respond to Louisiana Flooding

By Mark Briscoe on 8/18/16 3:15 PM

NAIFA members in Louisiana are impacted both directly and indirectly by ongoing flooding in the state. The flooding, which began a week ago, is likely to result in excess of a billion dollars in damage and has so far claimed at least 13 lives. The federal government has declared 12 parishes to be disaster areas, and thousands of people have lost nearly everything they own. A Red Cross spokesperson called the flooding the worst U.S. disaster since Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

NAIFA Members Inducted Into Tennessee Insurance Hall of Fame

By Mark Briscoe on 8/2/16 11:21 AM

On July 26, John P. Dewald, CLU, ChFC, John R. Milam, CLU, and Dennis R. Stephen, all current or former (retired) NAIFA members, were inducted into the Robert E. Musto Tennessee Insurance Hall Of Fame located on the campus of Middle Tennessee State University.

Topics: People News
3 min read

Take Advantage of NAIFA's P+P Early Registration Discount

By Mark Briscoe on 7/18/16 10:51 AM

NAIFA2016_ETOUCHESHave you registered for NAIFA Performance + Purpose 2016? The conference, September 17-19 in Las Vegas, is NAIFA’s premier event and largest gathering of the year.

1 min read

NAIFA-West Virginia Facilitates Donations to State Flood Relief Fund

By Mark Briscoe on 7/13/16 1:40 PM

The devastating floods that have wreaked havoc across several counties in West Virginia have destroyed well over 1,000 homes and cost dozens of lives.


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