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2 min read

Digital Marketing & AI Technology to Drive Life Insurance & Annuity Sales in 2023

By Ken Leibow on 1/4/23 10:00 AM

Digital Marketing had the biggest growth for generating insurance sales since 2021. In a recent global study conducted by Accenture, most insurance buyers now search for information on digital channels. 48% of insurance customers who responded to an Accenture survey stated that social media would factor into their insurance-buying decision. Introducing agents and training to effectively utilize email, social media, web-based advertising, text messages, and personalized videos which helps maximize their value delivery.

Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the technology driving the industry to new insurance sales as it does with other industries in e-commerce. Winning agencies will become more data-driven and introduce agents to tools that utilize data analytics and AI to grow their businesses. Whether finding patterns based on past data to predict future events or leveraging AI to make assumptions and predictions beyond human capabilities, successful agents and agencies will take advantage of these new technology tools.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Marketing Sales & Marketing Social Media Marketing FinTech Insurance
3 min read

Technology for Selling Medicare Insurance Plans

By Ken Leibow on 2/25/22 10:17 AM

If you take a look around, you will notice all of the noise in the Medicare space. Whether it be the technology platforms for quote and apply, the renewable income stream, or a plethora of prospects, you may think to yourself, where do I start?

Let’s start with the technology platforms. Being able to quote, save, and compare Medicare choices for your clients is imperative. When CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) removed your ability to save drug plans, this opened up innovation in the independent distribution. Now you have the ability and convenience with Search & Save options that allow you to load your clients' medications and then recall that list and simply update it instead of recreating it every year.

Topics: Medicare Social Media Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business
4 min read

5 Commonly Forgotten Holiday Marketing Ideas

By Luke Acree, President of ReminderMedia on 11/22/21 2:00 PM

Poor Thanksgiving is the middle child of the holidays. From Halloween on, all the focus is on the winter holidays.

That’s a shame. Not just because so many people love Thanksgiving, but also because it’s a great opportunity to connect with your clients and sphere of influence.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing
4 min read

Planning Your Marketing for 2022

By Luke Acree, President of ReminderMedia on 10/18/21 2:36 PM

It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the end of 2020 and cleaning up the confetti from socially distanced, Zoom-based New Year’s Eve celebrations. Now as we head into the holiday season, it’s time to think about 2022 and the possibilities it offers for your business. That means getting ahead of the game and planning your marketing strategy for the new year.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing


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