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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Podcast: Using Social Media to Enhance Your Web Site

By NAIFA on 3/12/13 10:25 AM

In this podcast, two Securities America, Inc. experts Kirk Hulett and Chris Hall explain how you can use social media to make your website work harder. Click here to download.

Topics: Grow Your Business Podcast Social Media
2 min read

Wealthy Investors Increase Use of Social Media and Mobile Technology

By NAIFA on 10/5/12 10:17 AM

A growing number of wealthy investors are using smart phones for talking, texting, and emailing, and are spending more time on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and even Twitter. This is according to new research from the Spectrem Group, a strategic consulting and market research firm specializing in the affluent and retirement markets.

Topics: Grow Your Business Consumers Industry News Social Media
1 min read

How to Succeed, No Matter What

By Rasha on 9/9/12 9:12 PM

Marvin LeBlanc, author of the Amazon bestseller "Come Hell or High Water: Life Lessons from Hurricane Katrina: Facing Life’s Greatest Challenges, No Matter What," inspired NAIFA conference-goers Sunday afternoon, Sept. 9, to succeed at life’s challenges and always be significant.

Topics: Grow Your Business Social Media
2 min read

Howard Fineman on Politics: From the Top and the Inside

By Rasha on 9/9/12 4:31 PM

Howard Fineman, editorial director of The Huffington Post Media Group, shared with NAIFA members his insights on the upcoming presidential election and the state of politics.

Topics: Protect Your Business Social Media
1 min read

February's National Insurance Awareness Campaign

By NAIFA on 1/31/12 12:07 PM

Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and keeping with the theme is the LIFE Foundation's national awareness campaign: Insure Your Love. The campaign is being heavily promoted and is designed to get consumers thinking about their need for life insurance.

Topics: Grow Your Business Social Media
2 min read

Using LinkedIn to Generate Referrals

By Rasha on 10/11/11 7:57 PM

Identify prospects with this helpful social media tool.

By Bill Cates

Topics: Grow Your Business Social Media


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