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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

1 min read

Register for NAIFA's P+P to Follow the Technology Track for Financial Professionals

By NAIFA on 9/28/20 4:02 PM

NAIFA’s Performance + Purpose virtual conference, Oct. 6-8, will offer a Technology learning track with breakout workshops on ways insurance and financial professionals and their practices can leverage technology to improve their marketing and client communications. In addition to Technology, P+P learning tracks will cover Practice Management, Sales & Prospecting and Advance Practices.

Topics: Technology Tools Technology
4 min read

Your Plan for Your Clients' Estates, or the Government's?

By Jeremy Dopp on 8/31/20 12:57 PM

We can “if” ourselves to the point of ad nauseam given the events associated with the pandemic. No one can know for sure where this is going, nor what the outcomes are going to be.

Life is different in more ways than we may realize. Thinking that this will pass and we will return to the way things were, is not going to happen. We are witness to a change event that is and will continue to reshape our future. It’s chaotic and confusing and smart people are going to be taking advantage of what is inevitable.  

Success doesn’t just happen, it happens justly. The market is going to continue to produce people with money and a need to plan. New wealth is taking shape daily across America and overnight success stories are going to be born. Where there’s change, there’s an opportunity provided you are keen enough to identify and recognize it.

Topics: Technology Tools Estate Planning
1 min read

Proformex and NAIFA Partner to Protect Consumers of Life Insurance

By NAIFA on 8/18/20 8:17 AM

Proformex, creator of a proactive life insurance policy monitoring platform designed to give insurance agents, advisors and fiduciaries better oversight and visibility into the performance of inforce life insurance and annuities, today announced its newly-established partnership with industry giant, NAIFA (National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors).

Topics: Technology Tools Press Release


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