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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security


Recent posts by NAIFA

1 min read

FSP Webinar: Reverse Mortgage Loans as a Financial Planning Tool

By NAIFA on 1/9/24 10:47 AM

In this Society of Financial Service Professionals (FSP) webinar, Fairway Reverse Mortgage Specialist, George Bain, will explore the challenges today’s retirees face and how they can benefit from the strategic use of a reverse mortgage. The presentation will include a discussion of incorporating home equity into a retirement income strategy, with case study examples and planning scenarios for long-term care and life insurance.

Topics: Reverse Mortgages FSP
1 min read

At the FSP Institute, Education and Networking Opportunities Abound

By NAIFA on 1/4/24 4:46 PM

The Society of Financial Service Professionals' annual Institute is January 28-31 in Jacksonville, FL. This is one of the premier professional development events in the financial service industry and NAIFA members are invited to attend. Registration includes high-impact educational sessions and opportunities to earn CE credit. The Institute features opportunities for productive networking and offers a unique environment that inspires collaborative learning.

Topics: Professional Development FSP
1 min read

The Digital Advisor Today Edition Is Now Available

By NAIFA on 1/4/24 8:45 AM

The final 2023 issue of Advisor Today magazine is now available as a digital edition. All NAIFA members receive the printed edition of Advisor Today as an exclusive member benefit and we make the digital edition available after the print issue release. If you are not a NAIFA member, join us today!

Topics: Advisor Today
39 min read

Thriving in the Financial Services Industry With Joseph Spinelli

By NAIFA on 1/2/24 10:51 AM

Joseph Spinelli, CLU, helps people prepare for the future by prioritizing their financial goals and customizing insurance solutions to best suit their needs. With a robust skill set that includes insurance, life insurance, customer service, disability insurance, term life insurance, and more, he contributes valuable insights to the industry. Joseph has a bachelor's degree in economics from Bridgewater College.

Topics: Podcast
2 min read

Advisor Today's Top 5 Podcasts of 2023

By NAIFA on 12/28/23 1:56 PM

With 2023 coming to a close, we look back at our top podcasts from this year. Advisor Today's podcast series has been a source of inspiration and knowledge for the financial services community through deep dives into the strategies, stories, and wisdom of industry leaders. Let's celebrate the voices and insights that have resonated the most with our audience starting at #5

2 min read

Advisor Today’s 5 Most Popular Posts from 2023

By NAIFA on 12/27/23 1:50 PM

As we wrap up 2023 its the perfect time to revisit the top posts from Advisor Today in 2023 that captured the attention and engaged our readers the most. The Advisor Today Blog brings you the tools, ideas and techniques you need to build and enhance your financial practice. It is the go-to place for insurance and financial advisors who are looking for the latest news and trends that are shaping the insurance and financial-advising industry. Lets begin the countdown with #5.

5. Digital Marketing & AI Technology to Drive Life Insurance & Annuity Sales in 2023
This post explores the transformative impact of digital marketing and AI technology on the life insurance and annuity sectors. It delves into how these innovative strategies are reshaping the way professionals approach sales and client engagement, offering a glimpse into the future of the industry.

2 min read

Cothron, Mayeux, and Boyle to Present the Q1 State of NAIFA

By NAIFA on 12/22/23 1:08 PM

NAIFA members, set a reminder! The Q1 State of NAIFA 2024 webinar is happening on January 25th at 12 pm Eastern. Don't miss this first update of the year, as it's a key part of our commitment to keeping you well-informed about our developments and future goals.

47 min read

Strategies for Navigating the Financial Services Industry With John D. Richardson

By NAIFA on 12/20/23 9:16 AM

John D. Richardson is a financial planner who has been providing sound financial advice to his clients since 2005. His primary focus is to help people align their financial decisions with their values and truths to live enriching lives. As a Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP) and a Life and Annuities Certified Professional (LACP), John advises clients on retirement planning, investment planning, and risk management. He serves as a NAIFA leader and has held several leadership roles at the local, state, and national levels.

Topics: Podcast
1 min read

NAIFA and FSP Boards Unanimously Approve the Associations' Merger

By NAIFA on 12/18/23 12:40 PM

NAIFA’s Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors of the Society of Financial Service Professionals have both voted unanimously to approve a merger agreement between the two associations. The votes come after the membership of NAIFA and FSP both voted overwhelmingly in favor of the merger earlier this year.

Topics: FSP
2 min read

Revitalizing Life Happens: Brian Steiner's New Chapter at the Helm of NAIFA's Consumer Arm

By NAIFA on 12/15/23 1:41 PM

Brian Steiner has recently been named the Executive Director of Life Happens, the consumer education arm of NAIFA. His return to the NAIFA fold (he was NAIFA's Vice President of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships from 2015-2021) comes as NAIFA adds Life Happens and completes a merger with the Society of Financial Service Professionals. In an interview for an article in InsuranceNewsNet, Steiner discussed his plans to rejuvenate Life Happens, emphasizing the significance of their national awareness campaigns such as Life Insurance Awareness Month, Insure Your Love Month, and Disability Insurance Awareness Month. These initiatives highlight the importance of life insurance and related products.


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