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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

2 min read

Refreshed Find a Financial Professional Search Directory Connects Consumers and NAIFA Members

By NAIFA on 12/5/24 1:23 PM

NAIFA, the leading association of financial professionals in the United States, has revitalized its Find a Financial Service Professional search directory to provide consumers with easy access to the highly skilled, experienced professionals who subscribe to NAIFA’s Code of Ethics. The tool is located on lifehappens.org, the consumer-facing website of NAIFA’s Life Happens community. It draws from a database of financial service professionals from various practice specialties who are NAIFA members, including legacy members of the Society of Financial Service Professionals, or subscribers to Life Happens Pro.

Topics: Consumers Life Happens Press Release
4 min read

How to Refocus Your Clients on What Matters to Them

By Elie Harriett on 7/16/21 8:37 PM

The purpose of an annual review is to make sure your clients remain focused on their goals and adjust accordingly. But every now and then, a client will call you mid-year asking to change something carefully prepared for them. You know what I’m talking about. A client you have known for a while. A reasonable man or woman. They come in and say they just heard about this great product on TV. They really want it. You stare at them, stone-faced. It came out of the blue. You are familiar with that product. You know it is not for them. But they are enthused about it. More importantly, they demand the product! What do you do?

Topics: Consumers Financial Literacy
2 min read

Winning the Hearts and Minds of Today’s Consumers

By NAIFA on 11/18/14 10:26 AM

How do we win the hearts and minds of today’s consumers?

Topics: Grow Your Business Consumers LIMRA
1 min read

Knowledge of Annuities Boosts Ownership

By NAIFA on 11/4/14 1:58 PM

A new LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute study found that the more knowledge someone has about annuities, the more likely he or she is to have a positive attitude about them and eventually own one.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Grow Your Business Consumers LIMRA
2 min read

LIMRA CEO: Consumers Are Changing--We Must As Well

By NAIFA on 10/28/14 4:30 PM

At the 98th LIMRA Annual Conference in New York, Robert A. Kerzner, CLU, ChFC, president and CEO of LIMRA, LOMA and LL Global, examined the changes in consumers’ demographics and expectations and explored the impact of their changes on the financial-services industry.

Topics: Grow Your Business Consumers LIMRA
1 min read

Women More Concerned about Money in Retirement Than Men

By NAIFA on 9/16/14 1:51 PM

A LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute survey reveals that among consumers aged 50 -75 with $100,000 or more in household income, women are more likely than men to be concerned about running out of money in retirement (46 percent vs. 35 percent).

Topics: Retirement Grow Your Business Consumers LIMRA
1 min read

Americans Make Finances a Low Priority for 2013

By NAIFA on 1/2/13 3:21 PM

According to the annual New Year’s Resolution Survey from Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America, a staggering 84 percent of Americans surveyed said that they will not include financial planning in their resolutions this year. This lack of financial focus is at the highest level in the survey’s four-year history, exceeding the 80 percent of respondents who ignored financial planning when making resolutions for 2012 and 67 percent from the inaugural 2009 survey.

Topics: Grow Your Business Consumers Finance Industry News
4 min read

How Men and Women Think of Retirement

By NAIFA on 10/24/12 10:16 AM

Although they face the prospect of living more years in retirement than men, women nearing retirement underestimate how much they will need to pay for their future health care costs even more so than men nearing retirement, according to a Nationwide Financial survey.

Topics: Retirement Grow Your Business Consumers Long-Term Care Insurance
2 min read

Wealthy Investors Increase Use of Social Media and Mobile Technology

By NAIFA on 10/5/12 10:17 AM

A growing number of wealthy investors are using smart phones for talking, texting, and emailing, and are spending more time on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and even Twitter. This is according to new research from the Spectrem Group, a strategic consulting and market research firm specializing in the affluent and retirement markets.

Topics: Grow Your Business Consumers Industry News Social Media
1 min read

The Nuts and Bolts of Estate Planning

By Rasha on 9/11/12 7:08 PM

Ike Trotter, financial advisor, spoke to NAIFA audience members about the importance and misconceptions of estate planning.

Topics: Sales Grow Your Business Consumers Finance


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