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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

2 min read

Advancing Financial Literacy

By NAIFA on 4/19/18 4:15 PM

In recognition of National Financial Literacy Month, the American Savings Education Council recently hosted a Partners’ Meeting in Washington, D.C. The meeting featured presentations by several financial literacy experts, researchers and thought leaders, including Irene Skricki with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Andrea Hasler with the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month!

By NAIFA on 4/19/18 3:11 PM

In a few days, we will be taking part in Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM), the marketing campaign Life Happens created and coordinates each year to spread the word about DI insurance and its role in protecting the financial assets of American consumers. Use this campaign to talk to your clients about the importance of DI insurance and help them get the coverage they need.

Topics: Grow Your Business
3 min read

GenX’s Questionable Retirement Readiness

By NAIFA on 4/10/18 10:41 AM

With Baby Boomers embracing a new frugality and Millennials making a strong start in their preparations for retirement, members of Generation X continue to struggle with debt and the effect it’s having on their long-term planning. This is according to the Generations Ahead Study from Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

April is National Financial Literacy Month

By NAIFA on 4/5/18 9:54 AM

April is National Financial Literacy Month--the perfect time for you to explain to your clients the importance of establishing and maintaining healthy financial habits. Doing so will help them manage their finances more effectively, and hopefully, save enough money to buy your products and services.

Topics: Grow Your Business
3 min read

The Financial Dreams and Worries of Americans

By NAIFA on 4/3/18 1:26 PM

Building bigger emergency funds continues to grow in importance as the top goal of Americans, while health care has overtaken Social Security as the top consumer concern, with more Americans reporting health issues and thinking about how to save for health care. This is according to two research reports by Hearts & Wallets, the source for retail investor data and insights.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Policy Owners’ Interest in Online Service Grows

By NAIFA on 3/30/18 10:45 AM

LIMRA’s research finds that 37 percent of policy owners went online for service in 2017, 23 percent higher than in 2014.

Topics: Grow Your Business
4 min read

Sustainable Investing on the Rise

By NAIFA on 3/12/18 9:00 AM

A Schroders survey of over 22,000 investors across 30 countries has found that sustainable investing is on the rise across the globe. Globally, investors see sustainable investing as a way to drive not only societal, social and environmental change, but also profit.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Help with Medicare IRMAA Questions

By NAIFA on 3/6/18 9:54 AM

The Medicare Rights Center has developed a new downloadable guide providing free information to help people with Medicare and those who assist them with their finances understand the Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) and how to request that it be lowered if there is disagreement with their Social Security Administration’s IRMAA decision.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

Cost of Living Index for Prices of Valentine Day’s Gifts Reveals Decrease

By NAIFA on 2/28/18 10:40 AM

Consumers love Valentine's Day, especially when the prices for affection-expressing gifts are about the same as last year, suggests the 2018 "Cost of Loving" Index.

Topics: Grow Your Business
1 min read

New Report Spotlights 'Champions of Diversity'

By NAIFA on 2/26/18 3:22 PM

A  new report  shines the spotlight on  NAIFA members who have been recognized as "Diversity Champions" because of their exceptional efforts  promoting equal participation of diverse people in the insurance and financial-services industries.

Topics: Grow Your Business


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