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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

3 min read

Why Would Anyone Want to Continue to Cold Call?

By NAIFA on 3/28/13 12:48 PM

Cold calling has reportedly died. No one cold calls anymore and it doesn’t work. Is this true?

Topics: Sales Grow Your Business
3 min read

Upgrade Your Referrals

By NAIFA on 2/28/13 11:43 AM

When it comes to referrals, focus on quality instead of quantity

Whether you've asked for a referral or one has been volunteered, what do you usually do with it? Do you just say, "Thanks, I'll let you know what happens." Or do you linger a little longer to learn more about your new prospect? I always advocate quality over quantity. Coming away from a meeting with 12 referrals all at once doesn’t usually yield the kind of results you’d like, because the quality of the referral is usually not very good.

Topics: Sales Referrals Grow Your Business
3 min read

The Principles of Effective Closing

By NAIFA on 2/21/13 2:04 PM

You can acquire the ability to close sales and, through practice, you can perfect it.

There are no mysterious secrets to closing a sale. There are methods that must be learned, principles that must be applied and techniques that must be used. Anyone can acquire the ability to close sales and, through practice, anyone can perfect that ability.

Topics: Sales Grow Your Business
3 min read

Five Ways to Get Referrals Without Asking

By NAIFA on 1/17/13 9:20 AM

It's possible to get referrals from clients and prospects without even asking. Here are 5 different ways to plant powerful referral seeds with prospects and clients:

Topics: Sales Referrals Grow Your Business
2 min read

February Marks LIFE’s Annual "Insure Your Love" Awareness Campaign

By NAIFA on 1/14/13 2:09 PM

Valentine's Day is a day for people to celebrate their love for each other. That's why every February, the LIFE Foundation asks people to look beyond the traditional gifts of chocolates and flowers, and to show their loved ones that they care through the selfless gift of life insurance.

Topics: Sales Disability Insurance Grow Your Business Members
3 min read

Engaging Clients on Facebook

By NAIFA on 1/8/13 2:35 PM

By now, you've probably heard that your business needs to have a presence on Facebook.

Topics: Sales Grow Your Business
2 min read

Sales Idea: Turn Your Knowledge into Sales

By NAIFA on 12/20/12 12:00 PM

If you have ever wondered how to use what you already know to get your prospects to buy from you, this idea from Bob Arzt, CLU, ChFC, LLIF, CEO of Insurance Coach U and Polaris One, may be just what you are looking for.

Topics: Sales Grow Your Business
2 min read

Top 5 Happiness Tips for Business and Sales Professionals

By NAIFA on 12/11/12 2:47 PM

Certain keys, while applicable to everyone in creating a life of long-term happiness, are particularly relevant to the sales professional. They provide fertile ground on which to not only increase one's happiness, but to maximize the efficacy of one's sales efforts as well.  The top five happiness tips are:

Topics: Sales Grow Your Business
1 min read

The 10 Most Overlooked Insurance Coverages

By NAIFA on 11/29/12 9:29 AM

Most insurance professionals are familiar with reviewing their clients’ auto, homeowners and business insurance policies. But what about other types of insurance that may not be up-to-date and may not be considered, such as identity theft, loan/lease gap coverage, or back-up of sewers and drains?

Topics: Sales MembershipPays
1 min read

No Retirement Planning for One-Third of U.S. Women

By NAIFA on 11/28/12 2:31 PM

Although women are more concerned about the potential risks they face in retirement than men, a new study by LIMRA found that fewer women had completed any of the basic retirement-planning activities, such as determining expenses and income, calculating assets, etc. Thirty-two percent of women said they had done no retirement planning.

Topics: Sales Retirement Grow Your Business LIMRA


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