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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

2 min read

Sales Idea: Turn Your Knowledge into Sales

By NAIFA on 12/20/12 12:00 PM

If you have ever wondered how to use what you already know to get your prospects to buy from you, this idea from Bob Arzt, CLU, ChFC, LLIF, CEO of Insurance Coach U and Polaris One, may be just what you are looking for.

I help people do the things they need to do in order to get sales. First, the general concept is to help them turn their knowledge into sales. Many people usually attend meetings within their own operation, during a company conference, or at another event, and come up with some ideas. They think these ideas are great at the time, but they don’t do anything with them.

The idea is to turn your knowledge into sales. When you are attending one of these meetings or training sessions, take out a blank piece of paper ahead of time and write down “Prospects who could benefit from this idea.” Names of people who will benefit will pop into your heads as you listen to these ideas and concepts, and you should make it a point to write them down.

Next, make the commitment to actually call each of those prospects that day. If you are out of town at a conference, call them from out of town. Hopefully, you will have their phone numbers with you.

The following script will come in handy as you make these calls: “Hi, Mr. ___. This is ___ . I’m calling you today from (city/state) because I’m attending a seminar on (topic) and came across an idea that I thought you could definitely benefit from. I’d like to set up a time to meet with you when I return to share this idea with you. Would next Tuesday at 10 or Thursday at 3 work for you?”

When you make these types of calls, your prospects or clients will really appreciate the fact that you’re thinking of them and that you’re taking the time to reach out to them. It enhances your relationships and delivers a value added service to your clients. This act also tends to set you apart from the competition and helps you to earn the title of Trusted Advisor. Today more than ever, it’s all about differentiating yourself in that way and deepening relationships.

We often come up with a wonderful idea but don’t have a plan to do anything with it. This concept forces you to do something with it. It will definitely generate appointment sales and referrals.

Robert A. Arzt, CLU, ChFC, LLIF, is CEO of Polaris One and InsuranceCoachu.com. He coaches professionals who want to achieve more. Contact him at 301-610-5624, bob@insurancecoachu.com or through his website at www.insurancecoachu.com. For a complimentary coaching session, mention this AT Blog post.


By Tara Heuser
Advisor Today



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