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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

1 min read

46% of Financial Professionals Don't Recommend LTC Insurance

By NAIFA on 7/20/23 5:21 PM

A study conducted by OneAmerica found that 46% of financial professionals do not recommend long-term care (LTC) protection to their clients.

The study highlights a potential gap in helping clients prepare financially for potential LTC expenses. It is estimated that almost 70% of individuals over the age of 65 will require LTC services at some point in their lives, making LTC protection an important aspect of retirement planning.

Topics: Long-Term Care Research/Trends Long-Term Care Insurance
2 min read

Americans Want Guaranteed Lifetime Income Products

By NAIFA on 6/9/23 12:00 PM

A new study from the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) shows an increased interest in annuities amid growing economic uncertainty.

The study, which surveyed more than 1,000 Americans between the ages of 45 and 65, found that 54% of respondents are considering “a guaranteed lifetime income product that pays out like a pension.” This trend held among all income brackets, with the greatest interest among minority communities, including Black and Hispanic respondents and those who identified as "other." The survey also found that 91% of respondents would prefer to work with a financial professional who offers products and services that meet their needs.

Topics: Retirement Planning Retirement Legislation & Regulations Research/Trends
3 min read

Insurance Agent vs. AI: What You Need To Know

By Client Focus on 2/14/23 3:36 PM

Matt Wagner of NAIFA Business Performance Center Partner, Client Focus, shares what agents and advisors need to know about AI and what it means for the industry.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the masses came online in December. It’s called ChatGPT. You can communicate with it at openai.com. It gives impressive answers to hard questions in seconds. Many think it will put Google search out of business. Maybe put schools out of business. AI is coming like a wrecking ball for repetitive, commodity work.

What about insurance agents? I was going to share my thoughts, but then it hit me.

Why not just ask AI?

So I did.

Topics: Research/Trends Technology Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
7 min read

Forget Change and Embrace Transition In the New World Economic Disorder

By Simon Reilly on 10/17/22 10:00 AM

Over the past two to three years, there is no doubt you’ve been through a tremendous amount of change. The pandemic transformed the way we lived and worked. From career security to The Great Resignation, many of us were provided with plenty of opportunities for reflection. You went from working live to virtual and saw family and friends change careers, move from their homes (even total relocations), and pick up hobbies they’ve dreamed about for years.

Topics: Research/Trends COVID-19
1 min read

E4 Presents a Special BREW Featuring Jon Jacobs

By NAIFA on 8/19/22 10:00 AM

On August 24, join LIBRA Senior VP of Business Development Jon Jacobs for a 15-minute industry update.

Jacobs will discuss:

  • Major trends in insurance and financial services
  • The relationship between the insurance and wealth management industries
  • The potential impact of brokerage mergers and acquisitions
  • How private equity is affecting the industry 

Tune in on August 24 at 1 pm eastern for this webinar in the Building Relationships Every Week (BREW) series.

Topics: Research/Trends Industry News Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
4 min read

#GettingMillennialsInsured with LIMRA and ACLI

By Ronan Friend on 7/26/22 1:14 PM

On July 20, NAIFA participated in the #GettingMillennialsInsured Twitter chat hosted by LIMRA and the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI). The chat was an informative and insightful discussion with LIMRA, ACLI, NAIFA partner Life Happens, and Life Happens President & CEO Faisa Stafford.

Participants discussed: 

  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer attitudes toward life insurance 
  • How to increase awareness of the need for life insurance 
  • How to dispel misconceptions about life insurance 
  • How to increase access to life insurance 
Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Research/Trends Insurance
2 min read

Fifth Consecutive Quarter of Double-Digit Growth for U.S. Life Insurance Premium

By LIMRA on 6/30/22 10:00 AM

Total U.S. life insurance new annualized premium increased 17% in the first quarter of 2022, representing the fifth consecutive quarter of double-digit premium growth, according to LIMRA’s First Quarter 2022 U.S. Retail Life Insurance Sales Survey.

“Nearly half of life insurers reported premium gains in the first quarter but the majority of the growth came from the top 10 carriers. Nine of the top 10 reported double-digit growth. Combined, their sales increased 32% from last year,” said John Carroll, senior vice president, head of insurance and annuities, LIMRA and LOMA. “While the overall number of policies sold was lower than the record sales set in first quarter 2021, policy sales matched pre-pandemic levels.”

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Research/Trends LIMRA Insurance
2 min read

Disability Insurance Helps Safeguard Retirement Savings, Research Shows

By NAIFA on 5/27/22 2:00 PM

New research from LIMRA and Life Happens, almost a quarter of Americans say they would dip into their retirement savings if they experienced a disability. But between tax penalties and loss of the opportunity for compounding interest, an early withdrawal can do more harm than good.

Topics: Disability Insurance Retirement Planning Financial Planning Planning in Advance Retirement Research/Trends
4 min read

NAIFA Is Proud to Support Disability Insurance Awareness Month

By Ronan Friend on 5/26/22 3:53 PM

NAIFA is pleased to join our members and industry partners, including Life Happens, to commemorate May as Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM). Disability insurance is an essential part of a solid financial plan and DIAM is a great opportunity to start educating your clients and prospects about the importance of disability insurance coverage. 

Topics: Disability Insurance Research/Trends Insurance Disability Insurance Awareness Month
2 min read

New Research Shows Life Insurance Is Key to Financial Security

By NAIFA on 4/26/22 12:00 PM

LIMRA and Life Happens have published the results of their 2022 Insurance Barometer Study. The new study surveyed 8,517 individuals and shows two key trends: life insurance is key to financial security and gender gaps extend to life insurance coverage.

Financial Security with Life Insurance

While financial insecurity affects all age groups, more life insurance owners (68%) report feeling financially secure than non-owners (47%). Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic had increased awareness of the need for life insurance and 31% of those surveyed say they are more likely to buy life insurance this year.  

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Research/Trends Insurance


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