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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

3 min read

Membership Is Bigger in Texas

By Suzanne Carawan on 1/18/24 7:00 PM

This week we brought staff and leaders together to host a new member orientation for the Texas state chapter. With so many new members coming into the NAIFA Family from the merger with FSP, the NAIFA-Texas board thought it would be a great idea to supplement the orientation that NAIFA holds every week with their "Welcome to Your State Chapter" so that they could tell members all about the history, culture, and activities that make NAIFA-Texas uniquely NAIFA-Texas.

Topics: #NAIFAProud Membership NAIFA-Texas State Conference NAIFA Texas
2 min read

John D. Richardson Is a Recipient of NAIFA's Presidential Citation

By NAIFA on 1/12/24 9:45 AM

John D. Richardson, RICP, LACP, has received the 2023 President’s Citation from the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) for his extraordinary service to the association.

The NAIFA President’s Citation recognizes an association member who exemplifies NAIFA leadership and has gone above and beyond in their support for NAIFA and the industry. NAIFA’s 2023 President Bryon Holz selected Richardson to receive the President’s Citation to acknowledge his exemplary work in political advocacy and membership recruitment. The award was presented at NAIFA’s National Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., in December.

Topics: Advocacy Awards Press Release Membership
2 min read

Suzanne Carawan Is Named NAIFA’s Vice President, Membership

By NAIFA on 1/11/24 11:12 AM

NAIFA is pleased to announce that Suzanne Carawan is NAIFA’s Vice President, Membership and will lead a newly created department focused on creating exceptional member value and increased engagement in NAIFA’s core areas of advocacy, education, and volunteer leadership. She and her team will develop strategies and implement tactics to deliver NAIFA’s value proposition to an expanded pool of financial professionals that now call NAIFA home due to the recent merger with the Society of Financial Service Professionals.

Topics: Press Release Membership
1 min read

Congratulations to Our Membership Survey Winners

By NAIFA on 7/11/23 1:03 PM

Earlier this year, NAIFA conducted its annual membership survey. This year, five randomly selected members who completed the survey received a $100 gift card. We're excited to congratulate the winners:

Topics: Membership
2 min read

Dennis Cuccinelli Receives NAIFA’s First Annual Membership Hard Hat Award

By NAIFA on 12/13/22 1:00 PM

Dennis Cuccinelli, LACP, an Independent Advisor associated with Certified Financial Services from Paramus, NJ, has received NAIFA's inaugural Annual Membership Hard Hat Award. He was presented the award by current NAIFA President Lawrence Holzberg, LUTCF, LACP, and incoming 2023 President Bryon Holz, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF, CASL, LACP, November 14 in Washington, D.C., at NAIFA’s Belong awards celebration that was part of the National Leadership Conference.

Topics: Awards Press Release Membership
1 min read

NAIFA-NC Past President Roger Sims Receives Q3 Membership Hardhat Award

By NAIFA on 11/11/22 3:45 PM

We're proud to announce Roger Sims, CLU, LUTCF, has received NAIFA's 2022 Q3 Membership Hard Hat Award.

Topics: Awards Leaders Membership
2 min read

Loyal NAIFA Member Gilbert Mares Wins the Will G. Farrell Public Service Award

By NAIFA on 6/3/22 10:39 AM

Congratulations to loyal NAIFA member Gilbert Mares, MPA, LUTCF, 2022 winner of the prestigious Will G. Farrell Public Service Award!

Topics: #NAIFAProud Awards Leaders Membership
3 min read

Obstacles Can Become Opportunities and a New LACP Certification

By Mark Briscoe on 5/31/22 12:36 PM

Obstacles can open a whole new world of opportunities for growth and success. Han Suk Kim, a New York Life financial professional and agent, took every obstacle thrown his way with grace and resiliency, cultivating a successful career and giving back to the community in Fort Lee, NJ. 

Han Suk Kim, CLTC, LACP, Chairman’s Council 2021; The Chairman’s Council is an annual New York Life recognition program based on agent production from July 1-June 30. Kim has achieved membership with The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) since his first year with New York Life and has been a NAIFA member since 2008. The Million Dollar Round Table, The Premier Association of Financial Professionals, is recognized globally as the standard of excellence for life insurance sales performance in the insurance and financial services industry. Kim is an established agent and financial professional who has been with New York Life for over 16 years in Fort Lee, NJ, with an impressive record of accomplishments. 

Topics: LACP Talent Development Center Membership Life Annuity Certified Professional (LACP) Program
1 min read

Steve Walker Named as E4's VP of Institutional Accounts

By NAIFA on 4/7/22 10:00 AM

Congratulations to NAIFA member Steve Walker, CLTC, LUTCF, on joining NAIFA educational partner E4 Insurance Services as Vice President of Institutional Accounts.

Walker has been a loyal NAIFA member since 2009 and was honored with Advisor Today’s 4 Under 40Award in 2021. For over 13 years, he has served Main Street USA, dedicated to finding the right solution for each person who walks through his door. He is committed to NAIFA's political advocacy, fighting for his clients and the insurance and financial services industry.

Topics: #NAIFAProud Membership
2 min read

NAIFA Welcomes New Member Christopher Faulk

By Ronan Friend on 4/1/22 9:21 AM

When Christopher Faulk started out in the financial services industry, he could tell there was something missing. As a commercial loan officer, he was helping people, but there were other aspects of his clients’ financial pictures that weren’t being addressed. He wanted to offer a more comprehensive financial service. 

In 2019, Faulk joined New York Life, and their holistic approach to addressing clients’ needs was exactly what he was looking for. Now, he protects families as an insurance agent and helps clients with their investment needs as a registered representative.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Financial Planning Member Spotlight New Member Profile Membership Insurance


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