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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

4 min read

How I Talk to Clients About Their Medicare Options

By Elie Harriett on 3/27/25 8:59 AM

The most common question from a new client is, “Which do I get, Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage?” This is the speech I give every time, almost word-for-word.

Topics: Retirement Medicare
1 min read

David McKnight to Share the Power of Zero at NAIFA's Apex

By NAIFA on 7/29/24 4:33 PM

David McKnight is a best-selling author, dynamic speaker, and expert in the field of tax mitigation in retirement planning. He is also a keynote speaker at NAIFA's Apex and National Leadership Conference, September 19-21 at the Arizona Biltmore. 

Over the past 23 years McKnight has helped put thousands of Americans on the road to the zero percent tax bracket. He has made frequent appearances in Forbes, USA Today, New York Times, Fox Business, CBS Radio, Bloomberg Radio, Huffington Post, Reuters, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq.com, Investor’s Business Daily, Kiplinger’s, MarketWatch and numerous other national publications. 

Topics: Retirement Taxes Apex
1 min read

Social Security: Will It Still Be There?

By NAIFA on 6/6/24 3:33 PM

In the ever-evolving landscape of retirement planning, Social Security remains a critical source of income for most Americans. The annual release of the Trust Fund Report, issued in May, sparked widespread media coverage and client concern. Questions such as "Will Social Security still be there?" and "Is it going broke?" continue to circulate. Join us for a webinar on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Eastern, sponsored by Security Mutual Life which can help you deal with the concerns that clients may have. 

Topics: Retirement Planning Retirement
2 min read

Americans Want Guaranteed Lifetime Income Products

By NAIFA on 6/9/23 12:00 PM

A new study from the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) shows an increased interest in annuities amid growing economic uncertainty.

The study, which surveyed more than 1,000 Americans between the ages of 45 and 65, found that 54% of respondents are considering “a guaranteed lifetime income product that pays out like a pension.” This trend held among all income brackets, with the greatest interest among minority communities, including Black and Hispanic respondents and those who identified as "other." The survey also found that 91% of respondents would prefer to work with a financial professional who offers products and services that meet their needs.

Topics: Retirement Planning Retirement Legislation & Regulations Research/Trends
2 min read

ACLI's Susan Neely Shares Concerns Over Americans' Retirement Security

By NAIFA on 6/7/23 1:00 PM

In a recent article, Susan Neely, President and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), highlights the growing concern among Americans about their financial security during retirement, given increasing lifespans and economic pressures. The passage of SECURE and SECURE 2.0 aimed to address these concerns by closing savings gaps and expanding retirement security.

Topics: Retirement Legislation & Regulations SECURE 2.0
2 min read

Mastering Retirement Income: Decumulation Diversification Strategies Revealed

By NAIFA on 5/31/23 3:51 PM

If you are concerned about diversifying your clients' income during retirement and are searching for strategies to protect against potential increases in taxes and inflation, then join the next Advisor Today webinar on Thursday, June 22 at 2 pm eastern with Allianz.

At "Decumulation Diversification," Schyler Adams, Director of Advanced Strategies & Planning Platforms will reveal concepts and innovative approaches to secure your clients' financial future. Don't miss this opportunity to optimize retirement income and help your clients achieve long-term financial stability.

Topics: Retirement Planning Financial Planning Retirement Webinar Advisor Today
10 min read

Top 15 Reverse Mortgage Loan Questions Answered

By Harlan Accola on 1/19/23 10:02 AM

Reverse mortgage loans are widely misunderstood, and many homeowners and advisors have a strong negative bias against them. Unfortunately, those misconceptions and preconceptions hold back many ideal candidates from ever considering a reverse mortgage.

Today’s reverse mortgage loans are not the same as they were even a decade ago, and it is to your advantage as a trusted financial professional to take a fresh look at them, as they can often be a viable solution to many of the financial challenges that retirees face.

The aim of this piece is to help you understand both common, and somewhat less common, questions about reverse mortgages. Armed with the facts, you will have a much clearer picture of whether a reverse mortgage might be right for older-adult homeowners you advise.

Note: Most, but not all, reverse mortgages today are a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), the only reverse mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). This article refers only to the HECM reverse mortgage.

Topics: Financial Planning Retirement Reverse Mortgages Loan NAIFA Partner
4 min read

How a Reverse Mortgage Loan Can Help in a Silver Divorce

By Harlan Accola on 11/15/22 9:40 AM

You probably are well aware that the inflation rate in the U.S. has been hitting fresh 40-year records lately. But did you know divorce rates in the U.S. for older couples have been reaching new highs lately, too? In fact, for couples in the U.S. who are 65 and older, the divorce rate has tripled since the 1990s. The trend is called “Silver Divorce” or “Grey Divorce.”

For older adults who are divorcing, assets have likely been intertwined for decades, adding to the challenge of dividing them. Financial needs are sure to be top of mind, as both parties will need a means to support their own individual lifestyles throughout a potentially lengthy retirement period.

For homeowners 62 and older, a reverse mortgage could help as part of a divorce settlement.

Topics: Retirement Reverse Mortgages Loan
8 min read

Reverse Mortgage Loans: Imaginative Ways They Can Be Used in Retirement Planning

By Harlan Accola on 9/16/22 10:39 AM

Here are three ways people 62 and older (working in tandem with their advisors) can incorporate reverse mortgages into sound retirement plans to potentially improve retirement outcomes.

When it comes to making savings last over a lengthy retirement period, retirees have no shortage of obstacles to contend with: soaring inflation, longer life expectancy, volatile markets, exuberant long-term care costs — the list goes on and on.

Reverse mortgages can help solve many challenges in retirement. But too often the strategic use of home wealth, and consequently reverse mortgages, is something older-adult homeowners and their advisors fail to consider. Two big reasons why reverse mortgages are often omitted from the retirement-income planning conversation are outdated misconceptions and enduring perceptions about how reverse mortgages work and how they are best used. And that’s unfortunate because today’s reverse mortgages have some powerful features — along with recently enhanced consumer protections — that can make them a valuable and effective tool in retirement planning.

Topics: Retirement Planning Retirement Reverse Mortgages
1 min read

Fairway Presents Webinar on Retirement Risks in a Post-COVID World

By NAIFA on 6/17/22 11:05 AM

Join us on July 8, 2022, at 11 am eastern for the webinar "Retirement Risks in a Post-COVID World."

Financial services speaker and bestselling author Joseph Jordan will identify the challenges facing the insurance and financial services industry after the COVID-19 pandemic ends and address the six retirement risks consumers should consider:

  • Longevity – Risk of Outliving Assets
  • Market and Interest Rate Risk
  • Withdrawal Rate Risk
  • Sequence of Return Risk
  • Purchasing Power/Inflation Risk
  • Health Risks
Topics: Retirement Planning Retirement Webinar COVID-19 Retirement Plans Potential Partners for Advisors


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