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1 min read

Is Your Business Equipped for Today's Digital Market?

By NAIFA on 4/25/23 2:08 PM

In the highly competitive insurance industry, brokers and agencies are constantly seeking new ways to drive growth. Agents must reach sales targets, and agencies must attract and retain high-performing talent. Fortunately, innovations in digital sales platforms are making these goals achievable.

John Boothman of NAIFA partner iLife Technologies will give you actionable tips on how to incorporate more digital solutions into your business to drive growth and keep up in today's ever-changing market.

Topics: Sales Technology Tools Sales & Marketing Technology Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance NAIFA Partner
4 min read

Maximize Your Leads: Why Operating a Dynamic Ping Tree Is Essential for Underwriting More Insurance Policies

By Ken Leibow on 8/31/22 10:00 AM

In the past, I have written about lead generation solutions as well as tracking clients on customer relationship management tools (CRMs) and marketing programs, but there hasn’t been a focus on lead conversions. At an industry conference this year, I learned about Phonexa, the company working to bridge the gap to generate more sales from leads. It’s important that advisors, especially those who run agencies and invest heavily in lead generation through marketing, learn about maximizing those leads.  

Topics: Marketing Technology Tools Sales & Marketing Technology FinTech CRM
3 min read

The Future of Insurtech E-Apps Crosses Over to Income Insurance and Beyond

By Ken Leibow on 4/5/22 9:06 AM

As we move past the first quarter of 2022 and look ahead to the next several months, the world of technology in our industry continues to rapidly evolve and expand before our eyes. In early March 2022, my company InsurTech Express exhibited at the iPipeline Connections Conference in Las Vegas where insurance technologies took center stage. Companies like Bestow, Ethos, and Covr Financial have grown rapidly with investor funding to offer robust life insurance-focused solutions to their consumers.

Technology is being used more than ever to make it easier for advisors to complete insurance transactions with their clients without the cumbersome pain points present in a currently antiquated process. Gone are the days of 45-page applications, two-month underwriting timelines, and intrusive health examinations for coverage. The industry is full of thriving start-ups and established companies helping insurance consumers buy coverage in minutes, not weeks. Like many industries driven by technology, there continues to be development and investment from well know firms in the market. 

Topics: Technology Tools Technology Insurance
2 min read

Using Technology to Deepen Client Relationships Across Generations

By Cameron Huddleston, Carefull Family Finance Expert on 1/10/22 8:00 AM

Technology might not seem like a likely tool a financial advisor can use to build client relationships. It almost goes without saying that older generations prefer human interaction versus digital services when it comes to their finances. And surveys have found that even tech-savvy millennials are more likely to get help with their finances from real-life advisors than from robo-advisors. 

So how can technology help financial advisors strengthen and add value to their relationships with clients—especially older clients—when it lacks the human touch? After all, a computer can’t hold your hand during a market downturn. 

But there is new technology that can enable advisors to build their businesses by giving them the ability to better assist aging clients and clients taking care of aging parents at the stage of their financial lives where they need the most help. That new technology is Carefull.

Topics: Long-Term Care Technology Tools Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

Technology Shark Tank: Taking the Robot out of the Advisor/Agent

By Ken Leibow on 11/23/21 8:30 AM

NAIFA's Limited and Extended Care Planning Center (LECP) Impact Week, November 1-5, was a unique virtual event including a one-hour session covering a different type of topic each day by speakers who are industry experts and industry leaders. On Thursday, November 4, the topic was “Technology Shark Tank: Taking the Robot Out of the Advisor/Agent.” You’ve got questions and these presenters have answers! How do I take the busy “robotic” tasks out of my practice to make it more profitable? How do I stay in contact with current clients while seeking new clients? Which technology fits my practice and budget? At what point do I invest in my practice so that I can expand my outreach and professionalism? This “shark tank” style session offers four rapid-fire presentations!

Watch LECP Impact Week On-Demand

Topics: Technology Tools Technology Webinar Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
6 min read

Digital Is the Assistant We’ve Always Dreamed Of

By Troy Korsgaden on 11/10/21 1:28 PM

From the 1980s through the early 2000s, many advisors and brokers dreamed of having more help with critical yet time-consuming tasks like proof of insurance and minor claims processing. We mused, “If only I had help with those tasks, I could spend more time focusing on high-touch customer service and sales.”

Today, digital innovations are streamlining much of the way carriers and their representatives conduct and generate business. These innovations are precisely the help we wished for.

So why do many in our industry resist digital advances like customer self-service and apps?

Topics: Running Your Practice Professional Development Technology Tools Grow Your Business
3 min read

In-Person or Virtual?  Questions for the Older Client

By Elie Harriett on 9/17/21 7:45 AM

When do we meet? When I was first starting, that question was music to my ears. It means the prospect was comfortable enough with me that we could sit down in person and I could potentially close the sale. But time marched on and technology changed, meaning it was no longer necessary to make a sale in front of everyone I spoke with. And as the generations changed, the desire, no, the need to meet clients to make the sale eye to eye has diminished.

Topics: Technology Tools Practice Management
3 min read

Crucial Tips to Secure Your Data

By Ken Leibow on 8/30/21 4:40 PM

There are countless horror stories where people have had their identity stolen and their bank accounts wiped out. 80% of victims will continue to use the Internet despite the risks because that’s the world we live in today. I want to focus on giving you tips to protect your privacy and help you function every day securely for both personal and business.

Topics: Technology Tools Technology Advisor Today
1 min read

Empower Consumers through Financial Literacy

By EveryIncome on 7/28/21 5:50 PM

EveryIncome is front-office marketing, prospecting, and education tool designed to help advisors promote themselves and their practices while encouraging the use of financial products through financial literacy, wellness, and education.

Topics: Technology Tools Potential Partners for Advisors
1 min read

Meet Gerry: NAIFA Welcomes 'Gerry' as a New LECP Sponsor

By NAIFA on 11/6/20 1:34 PM

Meet Gerry, the new way to find your future care facility. Using aggregated data from every senior living facility in the country, Gerry matches clients with an assisted living community to ease them through their decision. We are excited to announce Gerry as a new sponsor of the Limited & Extended Care Planning Center (LECP) within NAIFA.

Topics: Technology Tools Press Release


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