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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: An Alternative to Long-Term Care Coverage

By NAIFA on 1/25/23 11:51 AM

When long-term care insurance is not an option due to a person's health and/or finances, there may be an alternative solution to a difficult situation. Limited long-term care insurance can be an option to help during your client's time of need.

Register now for this upcoming webinar discussing limited long-term care on Tuesday, February 7 at 2 pm eastern.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited Care Webinar Limited & Extended Care Planning Center Insurance
5 min read

How to Talk to Your Parents About Long-Term Care

By Cameron Huddleston on 12/9/22 9:30 AM

As your parents age, there’s a good chance they will need long-term care. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, more than half of Americans turning 65 today will develop a disability serious enough that they will need daily help with the basic activities of living. Most will need care for less than two years, but 1 in 7 will need assistance for more than five years.

As tough as it might be to imagine your parents being unable to care for themselves, the thought of discussing this possibility with them probably seems even harder. But it’s important to talk to your parents sooner rather than later to develop a plan for long-term care if they ever need it. If you wait for an emergency to strike, emotions will be running high and you’ll likely have fewer options to deal with your parents’ need for care.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

Long-Term Care Crisis ‘Sneaking Up on Most Americans’

By NAIFA on 11/3/22 10:03 AM

On Monday, October 31's "Don't Be Scared of Long-Term Care," NAIFA's Executive Director of Centers of Excellence, Carroll Golden, addressed the crisis of long-term care that is sneaking up on most Americans. "When we look at the cost of care, it’s only increasing and it’s increasing dramatically," she said at the Limited & Extended Care Planning Center's annual Impact Day.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited Care Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
3 min read

Making Sense of Medicare: Part A

By John Norce on 5/26/22 10:00 AM

On June 30, 1965, President Johnson signed H.R. 6675, which led to the creation of Medicare and Medicaid. Under this bill, Medicare Parts A and B were created and today these benefits are commonly referred to as “Original Medicare”.

To understand Medicare, it’s important to start with Original Medicare, because Parts A and B are often considered its building blocks. Having a solid understanding of the costs and benefits of Original Medicare is important since almost everyone is required to enroll in Parts A and B when seeking post-retirement health benefits. For example, to enroll in additional benefits such as a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage plan, enrollment in Original Medicare is a must. Additionally, many employer-retiree plans, Tricare, and other corporate-sponsored retiree programs require enrollment into Original Medicare as part of your post-retirement health benefits.

Topics: Health Care Medicaid Limited Care Insurance
2 min read

Webinar On-Demand: IUL Sales Ideas and Long-Term Care

By NAIFA on 4/8/22 1:15 PM

Increased awareness of long-term care (LTC) insurance means increased interest in LTC coverage. However, not all clients qualify for a traditional LTC rider.

Each week, NAIFA partner E4 Insurance Services presents Building Relationships Every Week (BREW) webinars with insights to help you grow your practice and serve Main Street USA.

Topics: Long-Term Care Life Insurance & Annuities Limited Care Potential Partners for Advisors Insurance
4 min read

How to Protect Aging Clients from Financial Exploitation

By Cameron Huddleston, Carefull Family Finance Expert on 3/31/22 10:00 AM

Financial exploitation of older adults is rampant, and the problem will only get worse as America’s population continues to age.

In fact, the rate at which adults over the age of 60 can expect to experience financial exploitation—1 in 20—is higher than the incidence of many age-related diseases, according to research published in The Journals of Gerontology. And that’s likely an underestimate because many older adults are unwilling to report exploitation.

Topics: Long-Term Care Extended Care Limited Care Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

Success Is a Collaboration of Problems Solved at NAIFA's LECP Impact Week

By NAIFA on 10/25/21 3:30 PM

NAIFA’s Limited and Extended Care Planning Center is hosting the second annual NAIFA LECP Impact Week, November 1 - 5. 

 The virtual event, with the theme Success Is a Collaboration of Problems Solved, has been revamped for 2021. Each of the five days of Impact Week programming will drill down on a specific topic and feature multiple presenters in a packed one-hour presentation, 12 - 1 pm eastern.

Topics: Long-Term Care Limited Care Press Release Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

Three Things You Can Do During COVID-19 to Become a Generational Advisor

By Carroll Golden on 5/6/20 4:54 PM

The COVID-19 outbreak highlights extended and long term care as a community care issue. Whether a professional or a family member, we have learned that the role of a caregiver is stressful.  COVID-19 is a conversation opener for you to become a “generational” advisor.

Topics: Limited Care


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