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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

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NAIFA-NC Past President Ernest Whichard Has Passed Away

By NAIFA on 4/22/22 1:22 PM

NAIFA is sad to learn that NAIFA-NC and NAIFA-Greensboro Past President Ernest “Ernie” Whichard, CLU, ChFC, passed away on April 12 in Marion, NC. 

Before retiring from Whichard Roach & Associates in 2016, Whichard served as President of the North Carolina and Greensboro chapters of NAIFA (then the National Association of Life Underwriters) and as a Board Trustee for NAIFA-National. He also served as President of the Kiwanis Club of Greensboro and the Greensboro Estate Planning Council.

Topics: Leaders
4 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Trey Kelly

By Ronan Friend on 4/11/22 10:00 AM

NAIFA-Atlanta CEO Trey Kelly has been a NAIFA member since 1999 and has seen firsthand the benefits of NAIFA membership and NAIFA’s political advocacy. 

Getting Started

When he was an economics major in college, Kelly knew he wanted to get into sales. As luck would have it, one of his college friends suggested Kelly meet with his father, who was a top producer with John Hancock at the time. When Kelly walked into the man’s office—a top-floor space with a great view of downtown Atlanta—Kelly knew he wanted to become a financial advisor too. He joined John Hancock and his friend’s father became a mentor to him.

Topics: Member Spotlight Leaders Loyal Member Profile
4 min read

Meet Loyal NAIFA Member Johnny Craven

By Ronan Friend on 3/21/22 10:00 AM

Johnny Craven, LUTCF, is a stalwart of the NAIFA community and a veteran of the insurance and financial services industry.

Craven joined the insurance and financial services industry over 20 years ago, but that’s not where he started out. He spent 13 years in the grocery industry, but when one of his coworkers became an insurance agent and suggested he give it a try, he decided it was worth exploring. His coworker called Craven on a Saturday night and they planned to meet the next morning. Not realizing it was a formal interview, Craven showed up in shorts and a t-shirt and met the man who would become his boss. Fortunately, he saw potential in Craven and decided to give him a shot.

Topics: Leadership Member Spotlight Leaders Loyal Member Loyal Member Profile
1 min read

NAIFA Past President Bruce Hendrickson Has Passed Away

By NAIFA on 3/7/22 6:01 PM

NAIFA is sad to learn that former national association President Bruce Hendrickson passed away March 3 in Holdrege, NE.

Hendrickson became a loyal member of NAIFA (then the National Association of Life Underwriters) in 1957. He served as President of NAIFA-NE from 1965-1966 and as NAIFA's national President from 1975-1976. He was highly involved in NAIFA’s political advocacy in Washington, D.C., and his home state. He spoke at events across the country representing NAIFA and the industry. He was the keynote speaker at NAIFA’s national convention, hosting President Gerald Ford. In 1998, he was presented with the NAIFA-NE Distinguished Service Award.

Topics: Leaders
2 min read

NAIFA President Holzberg to Speak at NAIFA-MO State Meeting

By NAIFA on 3/2/22 4:09 PM

Lawrence Holzberg, LUTCF, LACP, President of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) will be a featured speaker on Thursday, March 1, in St. Louis at the 2022 NAIFA-Missouri State Meeting. His remarks at the event will review the State of NAIFA and challenge insurance and financial professionals to be the best they can be as producers and as advocates for their businesses, association, and Main Street clients. 

Topics: Press Release Leaders
2 min read

NAIFA President Holzberg Speaks in Texas

By NAIFA on 2/23/22 4:44 PM

Lawrence Holzberg, LUTCF, LACP, President of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) was a featured speaker Thursday, February 24, in Houston at the 2022 Annual State Conference of NAIFA’s Texas chapter. His remarks at the event reviewed the State of NAIFA and challenged insurance and financial professionals to be the best they can be as producers and as advocates for their businesses, association, and Main Street clients.

Topics: Press Release Leaders
3 min read

NAIFA State Chapter Presidents Take Office, Highlighting State Advocacy Influence

By NAIFA on 1/6/22 2:36 PM

NAIFA is pleased to announce that its 2022 State Chapter Presidents have taken office as of January 1. State Presidents provide leadership for their states’ advocacy team, drive their states’ grassroots influence, build participation in NAIFA state legislative days and send state representatives to NAIFA’s annual Congressional Conference in Washington, D.C.

Topics: Press Release Leaders
3 min read

NAIFA 2022 Leadership Takes Office With Lawrence Holzberg as National President

By NAIFA on 1/5/22 1:53 PM

Lawrence Holzberg, LUTCF, LACP, Managing Director and Director of Insurance and Advance Sales, at Fortis Lux Financial, in Melville, NY, (loyal member since 1990) is the 2022 President of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA). Bryon Holz, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF, CASL, LACP, President of Bryon Holz & Associates in Brandon, FL, (loyal member since 1987) is President-Elect, Thomas M. Cothron, LUTCF, Agency Manager with Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company in Ocala, FL, (loyal member since 1981) is Secretary, and Brock Jolly, CFP, CLU, ChFC, CLTC, CASL, CFBS, of Veritas Financial LLC/MassMutual Financial Group in McLean, VA, (loyal member since 2001) is Treasurer. Thomas O. Michel, LACP, Managing Director of Michel Financial Group in Los Angeles (loyal member since 1986) will continue his service as Immediate Past President.

Topics: Press Release Leaders
1 min read

NAIFA 2022 National Leadership Nominees Announced

By NAIFA on 10/4/21 3:33 PM

NAIFA has issued a press release announcing the Governance Committee's nominees for candidates to run for the 2022 NAIFA Board of Trustees and Secretary. The new leadership will be elected in December and will serve along with incoming NAIFA President Lawrence Holzberg and President-Elect Bryon Holz.

Topics: Press Release Leaders
2 min read

Adam Sachs Honored as Q2 2021 Membership Hard Hat Recipient

By Emily Cabbage on 9/2/21 6:15 PM

Adam Sachs, CFP, CLU, ChFC, CLTC, AIF, a Financial Advisor with Centinel Financial Group, LLC, was recently named NAIFA's Q2 Membership Hard Hat recipient. Adam is a loyal member since 1994 and is currently serving as Massachusetts Membership Chair. Working side by side with his membership team they mapped out an annual plan, complete with goals and expectations of the committee, and distributed it with much success.

Topics: Leaders


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