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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

1 min read

Fairway Presents Webinar on Home Equity and Roth Conversions

By NAIFA on 1/7/22 5:19 PM

Join us on February 11, 2022, at 3 pm eastern for the special webinar "Home Equity and Roth Conversions."

The discussion will feature Harlan Accola, CRMP, National Reverse Mortgage Director of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, interviewing Jim Silbernagel, CFP, CEPS, LACP, LUTCF creator and host of Real Wealth® Marketing, on how he has helped clients lower their tax burden using the equity in their homes. 

Topics: Reverse Mortgages Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
1 min read

Carefull Presents Webinar on Tech Tools and Long-term Care

By NAIFA on 12/15/21 10:40 AM

Join us on January 11, 2022, at 1 pm eastern for "Financial Technology that Builds Long-Term Relationships for Long-Term Care," a special webinar presented by Carefull co-founder Todd Rovak and product strategy lead Michael Rubel.

Rovak and Rubel will discuss the challenge of client engagement and how Carefull's technology can help overcome it. The webinar will also feature a Q&A with NAIFA-National President-Elect Bryon Holz speaking on his own experience with long-term care insurance and how it has affected his family.

Topics: Long-Term Care Technology Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
2 min read

OneAmerica's 'Leading Tomorrow' Speaker Series: Final Session of 2021

By NAIFA on 12/3/21 1:26 PM

Join OneAmerica for “One for All: Delivering the Experience That Matters to You” on Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 2 pm eastern. This will be the final session of this season's Leading Tomorrow speaker series.  

The session will provide a recap of 2021 at OneAmerica and a preview of what’s in store for 2022. The speakers will discuss OneAmerica’s commitment to growth, diversity and inclusivity, and financial strength and stability.

Topics: Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

Technology Shark Tank: Taking the Robot out of the Advisor/Agent

By Ken Leibow on 11/23/21 8:30 AM

NAIFA's Limited and Extended Care Planning Center (LECP) Impact Week, November 1-5, was a unique virtual event including a one-hour session covering a different type of topic each day by speakers who are industry experts and industry leaders. On Thursday, November 4, the topic was “Technology Shark Tank: Taking the Robot Out of the Advisor/Agent.” You’ve got questions and these presenters have answers! How do I take the busy “robotic” tasks out of my practice to make it more profitable? How do I stay in contact with current clients while seeking new clients? Which technology fits my practice and budget? At what point do I invest in my practice so that I can expand my outreach and professionalism? This “shark tank” style session offers four rapid-fire presentations!

Watch LECP Impact Week On-Demand

Topics: Technology Tools Technology Webinar Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
1 min read

Special Webinar Series: Hit Hyper-Growth in a Hybrid Environment

By Beth Helberg on 9/8/21 3:30 PM

NAIFA has teamed up with White Glove to present the webinar series: Hyper-Growth in a Hybrid Environment, September 13- 17th.  Each day will focus on a strategy to support advisors in prospecting and marketing. 

Topics: Sales & Marketing Webinar Business Performance Center Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

The Importance of Long-Term Care Planning From an ER Doctor’s Perspective

By NAIFA on 9/3/21 11:00 AM

As an emergency medicine physician for 20 years, including the past 12 years working in a large, level 1 trauma center, Dr. Monica Williams has seen innumerable patients and families facing long-term care challenges. As the Medical Director for Advance Care Planning and End of Life Education for the third-largest community-owned hospital system in the United States, she has spent a portion of her career talking to doctors about how they can have effective advanced medical planning and end-of-life conversations with patients and families.

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Planning Planning in Advance Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
1 min read

LECP Webinar presented by Coventry: What's Driving Life Settlement Growth

By Beth Helberg on 8/26/21 3:17 PM

Join the LECP at 2 pm eastern on Thursday, September 23rd, for a virtual executive roundtable - What's Driving Life Settlement Growth.  The discussion will focus on current market trends in life settlements and how you can leverage this important tool.

Topics: Financial Planning Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
1 min read

Webinar: If a DOL Wage & Hour Investigator Came Calling, Would You Be Prepared?

By Beth Helberg on 8/26/21 12:00 PM

How confident are you in your employee classifications and the process you use to categorize them? Do you really understand the differences between exempt vs. non-exempt classifications when it comes to your white-collar employees?

Topics: Compliance Small Business Webinar Business Performance Center Potential Partners for Advisors
1 min read

E4 Building Relationships Every Week Series Celebrates LIAM

By E4 Insurance Services on 8/20/21 10:00 AM

On, September 1st, join E4 Insurance Services on the BREW as they talk life insurance with Juli McNeely, LUTCF, CFP, CLU (Past NAIFA President and loyal member since 1996) to kick off their Leading with Life series for Life Insurance Awareness Month.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Life Insurance Awareness Month Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors


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