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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

For Scott Johnson and Tim Johnson, insurance runs in the family. The brothers followed in the footsteps of their father and grandfather and now work together at American National in Bountiful, Utah.

A Shared Mission

Scott and Tim share a passion for building relationships with their clients and their community. Being able to maintain relationships with clients is what keeps them motivated. “We're not a one-and-done community,” says Scott. “You don't go work with somebody and never see him again here.” This connection is what makes a good agent, the brothers agree. Tim adds that persistence, knowledge, discipline, and enthusiasm also play a critical role in an agent’s success.

As an agent, Tim specializes in multiline property insurance and casualty insurance. Scott transitioned to a management role at American National after spending 10 years as an agent. An important part of both of their careers has been helping clients understand their options. “People never plan to fail; they just fail to plan,” says Scott. “People will always make their own choices, but most people really don’t understand the options they have.”

Building Relationships Through Membership

The relationships the brothers have built through NAIFA have been invaluable in their careers and lives. Their father, a long-time NAIFA member, encouraged Scott to join NAIFA and Scott, in turn, encouraged his brother to join when he entered the industry.

Tim remembers fondly meeting with his fellow NAIFA members at a local café for breakfast. NAIFA co-sponsored Tim’s Financial Services Specialist (FSS) classes, which allowed him to interview and develop relationships with NAIFA members who were stalwarts in the industry. Scott says of NAIFA, “It's just an amazing organization that allows me to reach out and find other people in my industry and create bonds with them.”

The brothers talk about the value NAIFA has brought to their practice. Tim says, "The benefits are the people that you associate with and get to know, the opportunities for training and serving, and the political action activity and knowing what legislation is going on that affects us.” Scott adds that NAIFA membership is essential to build relationships and stay informed about changes in the industry. “You can be very successful and not be part of NAIFA, but you'll never have the relationships of other peers in your industry. You'll never have the knowledge of what's coming down the pike, what's happening, or what things we need to be worried about,” he says. “I see no other way of accomplishing that without membership.”

Political Advocacy

Both Scott and Tim are deeply involved in NAIFA’s political advocacy. They have developed vibrant relationships with their local congresspeople and have met with their federal representatives on trips to Washington, D.C., with NAIFA. Scott talks about the value of the Insurance and Financial Advisors Political Action Committee (IFAPAC). “I am always amazed with friends that I have in other countries and how the insurance industry has become so difficult for them,” he says. “IFAPAC gives me a way that I can protect my industry and protect my job and make a difference.”

Family and Community

When they’re not working, Scott and Tim both enjoy spending time outdoors. Scott loves skiing, boating, wakeboarding, scuba diving, and travelling the world. Tim and his wife Trudy enjoy hiking often with each other and their children and extended family members in the mountains of Utah or wherever they may be. They love traveling to new sites in the United States. Most of all, Tim and Trudy enjoy supporting their six children in their talents and interests in dance, music, genealogy research, and even the study of engines.

The brothers are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and are very involved in their congregation and its charitable work. Tim has also been active in the Boy Scouts of America, serving in several roles, including cubmaster, scoutmaster, and various other roles in the district.

Thank you, Scott and Tim, for your service to our industry and association. We’re #NAIFAproud to call you each one of our own.



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