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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

NAIFA is laser-focused on ensuring our members, their businesses, and the broader financial services industry thrive in a rapidly evolving world. The success of insurance and financial professionals is crucial to the financial security of American families and the strength of the U.S. economy. We build a strong professional community to serve the best financial interests of communities across the country. 

 In a new publication, "NAIFA Community: Members in Action," you will learn how NAIFA works with our members to develop and sustain a vibrant community of highly qualified, dedicated, and effective agents, advisors, and other professionals. Through profiles of NAIFA members in various career stages, practice specialties, and geographical locations, we demonstrate how NAIFA membership has helped these successful individuals and their colleagues: 

  • Advocate to policymakers on behalf of their businesses, colleagues, clients, and communities. 
  • Benefit from foundational and advanced professional learning opportunities that help them survive difficult career transitions and thrive as experienced professionals adhering to a Code of Ethics and working in the best interests of their clients. 
  • Receive well-deserved recognition and make meaningful connections in their communities. 
  • Provide life-changing benefits and support to families and small business owners, often under financially dire or emotionally difficult circumstances.  
  • Connect with other successful NAIFA members to enhance their own professional standing and best serve their clients’ needs. 

NAIFA leverages our unique strength as the “big tent” association for financial services professionals. We serve a diverse and interdisciplinary membership, including early-career and late-career advisors, as well as attorneys, accountants, and other industry partners. By addressing the needs of professionals at every career stage, NAIFA reinforces its role as a vital partner throughout the lifecycle of a financial service professional. 

Together, as the leading association of insurance and financial professionals in the United States, NAIFA members are building a stronger, more resilient industry. We are ready to meet today’s challenges and seize tomorrow’s opportunities. Thank you for being a part of the NAIFA community and for all you do to make a difference every day. 



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