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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Once again this May Life Happens will coordinate Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM), an annual campaign Life Happens created to raise consumer awareness. Now that Life Happens is a NAIFA Community, specially curated content featuring DIAM messaging is available to NAIFA members to help them connect with their clients and consumers.

Life Happens' DIAM Content Library for NAIFA members is available now. It includes:

  • Tips on messaging for DIAM.
  • Ready-to-use social media graphics and text for posts.
  • A social media calendar.
  • Videos and animations.
  • NAIFA-chapter-branded "Proud Supporter of DIAM" graphics

The DIAM theme this year is "Disability Insurance: It’s time to learn about how important it is and then get the coverage you need." A section of the library focuses on the importance of disability insurance for owners and employees of small businesses with content perfect for National Small Business Week, May 4-10.


Life Happens brings NAIFA members exciting benefits that help them differentiate themselves by educating consumers and clients. Similarly, NAIFA's FSP Community provides valuable professional learning resources and opportunities. These dovetail nicely with the political advocacy and professional development NAIFA has long been known for. If you are a NAIFA member, I would encourage you to explore all of the benefits your association offers. If you are not a NAIFA member, I hope you will join us before DIAM begins so you may take advantage of all of our excellent Life Happens content.  



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