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May Is Disability Insurance Awareness Month

By Kevin Mayeux, CAE, NAIFA CEO

On May 24 nearly 800 NAIFA members visited their representatives and senators in Washington, D.C., to deliver NAIFA’s advocacy message with a powerful, unified voice as part of NAIFA's Congressional Conference. Because of our members’ commitment, we made a difference. Meeting face to face with key policy makers and staff on Capitol Hill provides immeasurable help as we educate our elected officials about the good the industry does and the value trusted advisors give everyday Americans while helping them plan for their financial futures.

NAIFA members visited nearly every office in the U.S. House and Senate, helping Congress understand the impact the DOL fiduciary rule and other issues have on the American consumer.  Key among NAIFA’s many strengths is our grassroots network, which is unmatched in the financial services space.  Every NAIFA member contributes to that strength, because you empower NAIFA to speak as a unified, cohesive voice of the profession and of the industry.  Because of you we substantially impact public policy.  By joining together, we make a difference!

Please know that our efforts in Washington, D.C., and around the country are year-round.  NAIFA’s government relations efforts, through our national and state team members, continue every day in Congress, in state legislatures, and with regulators.  Our local grassroots efforts, with members in every congressional district, affect policy decisions that impact Main Street America.  NAIFA is the industry and the advisor community’s strongest and most resilient voice nationwide.  We are that voice because of dedicated advisors who participate in the political process.

Thanks for your support, and for making a difference.  It’s appreciated by your colleagues, the industry, and those we serve.



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