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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Register Now

Registration for the May 23-24, 2017 NAIFA Congressional Conference is now open!

NAIFA’s Congressional Conference will bring together hundreds and hundreds of agents and advisors to Washington, DC to learn about the legislative issues that matter to people in our industry and how these issues impact our business and our clients’ financial well-being.  As a Conference participant, you will be educating your Members of Congress on issues of concern and helping to shape national public policy.  NAIFA will provide Conference participants with issues education and advocacy training so we can effectively convey the NAIFA legislative message.

The first 500 NAIFA member registrants will be eligible for a $300 stipend to assist with their expenses, if they meet the eligibility requirements, which include staying at the official NAIFA Congressional Conference hotel.

The looming threats to our industry are very real.  Your professional association – NAIFA – needs you to attend the 2017 Congressional Conference to ensure that laws and regulations enhance, not restrict, the ability of middle market families to have access to the products and services we offer.  Please join me in May where together, we will make a difference.

Don't delay! Register Now! Reimbursement spots will go fast!  For additional information about the Conference, view the FAQs.


Paul R. Dougherty, LUTCF, FSS, HIA
2016-2017 NAIFA President
National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors



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