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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Financial Clarity by Design in Spencer, Wisconsin is a NAIFA 100% Agency

The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) is pleased to announce that Financial Clarity by Design in Spencer, Wisconsin has become a NAIFA 100% Agency. Under the membership program, Financial Clarity by Design has enrolled all its advisors as NAIFA members, enrolled them in NAIFA’s grassroots advocacy programs, and encourages them to participate in NAIFA as a group. Group members are proudly displayed to consumers on the consumer-facing financialsecurity.org site and members are listed in Life Happens’ “Find a Financial Service Professional” search at www.lifehappens.org.

As NAIFA members, Financial Clarity by Design advisors subscribe to NAIFA’s Code of Ethics and will participate in state chapter events, as well as NAIFA’s annual Congressional Conference. They will contribute to NAIFA’s powerful advocacy voice in their statehouse and at the federal level. Financial Clarity by Design advisors will also enjoy all the other benefits of membership, including professional development programming, and will be featured in NAIFA’s Advisor Today media platform.

“We are pleased to welcome Financial Clarity by Design and its financial professionals to our community of NAIFA advisors,” said NAIFA President Tom Cothron, LUTCF, FSCP. “The advisors of Financial Clarity by Design are highly successful professionals, who reflect well on our industry as they help their clients achieve financial security and prosperity. They are exactly the type of members who make NAIFA the premier association for insurance and financial professionals in the United States.”

Financial Clarity by Design is a team of financial professionals that offers comprehensive financial planning strategies through a full spectrum of financial services. They strive to help their clients bring clarity to their financial decision-making.

“At Financial Clarity by Design we appreciate all of the great work that NAIFA does to promote our industry and the success of insurance and financial professionals, so we are excited about this relationship,” said Juli McNeely, President. “Everyone at Financial Clarity by Design is interested in reaching their greatest potential while supporting an industry that has given us a great deal of success. Being active and engaged NAIFA members is a part of that, so it made sense for our whole firm to join and for Financial Clarity by Design to become a NAIFA 100% Agency.”


Founded in 1890, the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors is the preeminent association for financial service professionals in the United States of America. NAIFA members, in every Congressional district and every state house, subscribe to a strong Code of Ethics and represent a full spectrum of practice specialties to promote financial security for all Americans. Complimented by its professional development and consumer divisions, the Society of Financial Service Professionals, and Life Happens, the association delivers value through advocacy, service, and education.



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