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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

For NAIFA-CT President Addison Rosenbluth, CLTC, insurance is part of a family legacy. In 1957, his grandfather founded MERIT Insurance Services, Inc. During his senior year of college, he got an opportunity to travel to California for training. After gaining experience and earning his licenses, he returned to Connecticut and now works alongside his father, Jace Rosenbluth, running the family business.

The Keys to Success

Now Vice President of MERIT Insurance Services, Rosenbluth’s focus is on recruiting, coaching, and mentoring the next generation of insurance agents. He says the most important qualities for agents are persistence and patience. “When you're starting off, it's a lot of cold calling and getting out of your comfort zone,” he begins. “So [you need] persistence in making sure you are taking the appropriate courses, finding the appropriate mentors, and continuing to make the phone calls and stick to your schedule, even when it's not something you want to do. And [you need] the patience to know that your persistence is going to pay off.” When recruiting, Rosenbluth looks for people with patience and persistence, who have the desire to grow their business and are willing to adapt to new products and concepts.

The Value of NAIFA

Rosenbluth has served on the board of NAIFA-CT for several years and was recently elected to a second term as President. He has also testified at the Connecticut state capitol regarding long-term care legislation. He says of his experience, “It's been an eye-opening experience to see how the whole [legislative] process works and how important it is to get involved and stay involved because everything can change fairly quickly in our industry.” Rosenbluth adds that participating in NAIFA’s advocacy is one of the most important aspects of being a NAIFA member. “It's important for people in our industry to understand what NAIFA does in order to protect their ability to keep that career,” he says. “There’s plenty of opportunity to get involved.”

Another benefit of NAIFA membership is the opportunity for networking, says Rosenbluth. The connections he’s made through NAIFA have helped him learn new skills and build his business through referrals.

Outside of the Office

When he’s not working, Rosenbluth loves golfing and traveling with his wife, and hiking with their dog, Stella.

For his service to his community and our industry and association, we’re #NAIFAproud to have Addison as a part of our NAIFA family.



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