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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

NAIFA and the Dallas-based American Senior Benefits (ASB) have entered a partnership under which NAIFA recognizes ASB as a NAIFA Financial Security Champion and at least 75 ASB regional sales managers will become new NAIFA members.

"As one of the largest career agency distribution networks in the country, American Senior Benefits is deeply committed to equipping our leadership team with the tools, insights, and connections necessary to excel in serving our clients,” said ASB Co-Founder James Sweeney. “Our enrollment into NAIFA is a pivotal step in that commitment."

As part of the partnership, NAIFA will work with ASB to promote NAIFA’s Life Underwriting Training Council Fellow (LUTCF) designation program to ASB agents. The LUTCF is the industry benchmark designation for insurance and financial professionals. Those who complete the program receive critical training in such areas as prospecting, selling, practice management, and insurance and investment product knowledge.

“NAIFA and American Senior Benefits are both dedicated to ensuring the success of financial professionals serving the needs of American consumers and our partnership supports that goal,” said NAIFA Vice President for Business Development Brian Steiner. “NAIFA membership and the LUTCF program give agents and advisors a leg up in the business that translates across the full line of practice specialties ASB specializes in, from Medicare supplements to long-term care solutions to retirement planning and life insurance and annuities.”

As a NAIFA Financial Security Champion, ASB will be featured on NAIFA’s website and in online publications, including the Advisor Today blog. ASB professionals who participate in the program receive the national-, state-, and local-level benefits of NAIFA membership, including exclusive webinars, professional learning resources, and opportunities to participate in NAIFA’s political advocacy initiatives.



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