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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Craig Garofolo always knew he wanted to be in the insurance and financial services industry. He had the right skill set—it was just a matter of finding the right place. After several years in sales and marketing positions, he found the right opportunity with Guardian in 2011 and started his financial services career. Since then, he has worked with and learned from many of the top professionals in the industry.  

Making a Difference 

Now an independent financial professional under his own company, DAS Financial LLC, Garofolo works with families, business owners, and corporate executives. He takes his clients through a process that uncovers the gaps in their overall plan and helps them avoid common money-eroding and tax pitfalls. His primary focus is protection, and he makes sure that his clients are all properly protected. Part of the protection conversation is explaining the importance of having disability coverage in place. “I want to make sure that they understand their most valuable asset which is their ability to earn an income,” he says.  

The best part of his job, says Garofolo, is seeing the impact he can have on families. “I just have a passion for working with people, helping them to get to their end goals,” he begins. “If I could play a small part in that, that's who I want to be.” 

Garofolo shares a story that reinforced for him the importance of planning ahead. He was working with a client who had insurance, investments, and retirement accounts but who didn’t have a will. Garofolo referred him to an estate planning attorney but didn’t hear anything more. Less than a year later, his client called and asked for the estate planning attorney’s contact information again. A close family friend had suffered a fatal heart attack while out for a run. Garofolo was glad to share the information. “That's something I really did for someone in the scheme of protection,” he says. “It's not my products but it's still part of what we do.” 

Joining NAIFA 

Garofolo learned about NAIFA through NAIFA partner Advisorist when he attended one of their Virtual Advisor Power Hour webinars that featured Danny O’Connell, LACP, CEO of NAIFA 100% Agency NextLevel Insurance Agency, LLC, and a loyal NAIFA member since 2008.  

He is also a fan of industry icon Tom Hegna, CLU, ChFC, CASL, LACP, a loyal NAIFA member since 1989, and recommends Hegna’s book “Paychecks and Playchecks: Retirement Solutions for Life.” As a NAIFA member, Garofolo is excited to connect with like-minded professionals and continue learning and growing.  

Outside of the Office 

When he’s not working, Garofolo loves traveling and spending time with his wife and three children. A fitness enthusiast, he has been a personal trainer, coached CrossFit, and participated in several Spartan races. He is also active in his community with the Knights of Columbus and his local chamber of commerce. 

Thank you, Craig, for your hard work and dedication. We look forward to a bright future in the association for you and are #NAIFAproud to call you one of our own. 



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