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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

NAIFA Nation mourns the passing of Allen A. Skogebo, CLU, ChFC, a loyal member since 1969, the year he entered the life insurance business. He was the owner of Skogebo Associates in Greenbelt, MD.

Skogebo’s many career awards and recognitions included being named the 1999 Man of the Year by Mutual of New York and being a member of the Million Dollar Round Table for 50 years. He achieved the NAIFA Quality Award 17 times. Skogebo served a term as President of the Million Dollar Round Table Foundation.

Skogebo was an active supporter of the Helping Hands Society of Washington, D.C., the charitable arm of NAIFA-GWDC. He received the Society’s 1988 Bernard L. Wilner Award.

Within NAIFA, he served as a volunteer leader on the Committee on Community Service, which he Chaired in 1999 and 2000. He was the local APIC Chair for NAIFA-District of Columbia, heading up the chapter’s political involvement activities.

According to his obituary published by Beall Funeral Home:

“His passion for being a servant to his clients to insure that their families and their eventual retirement were taken care of was his primary goal. He worked tirelessly, continuing to educate himself and expanding his business to include investments and long-term care coverage. He enrolled in the American College of Financial Services early in his career and ultimately earned his Masters of Financial Services in 2011. Continuing education was so important to him in order to provide the best service he could to his clients. When he turned 83 he thought it would be a good idea to start working on his PhD in Financial Services.”

We send our sincere condolences to Allen’s family, friends, and colleagues.



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