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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Jack Mander, of NAIFA-AK, protects Alaskan families with insurance, financial planning, and a heart for service.

Getting Started

Mander grew up in Nassau County, New York, but found himself on the opposite side of the country for a summer job during college: commercial fishing in Alaska. A life-long nature lover, Mander fell in love with Alaska’s beauty and decided to make his home in Anchorage. After earning a bachelor’s degree in Russian Language and Economics from the University of Alaska Anchorage, Mander began his career in insurance and financial services.

Protecting Families

Now an insurance agent with Coho Financial Group, Mander works primarily with young families and entrepreneurs. He discusses some of the difficulties small businesses face, such as the difference between the value of a book of business and the amount it can be sold for quickly. “Clients will see on the books that a business is worth $100,000,” he begins. “But it's not there if you need to do an emergency extraction of equity.” He also points out that many workers don’t realize that their life insurance through work ends if they lose their job, but the COVID-19 pandemic has raised awareness of the need for insurance.

An important part of Mander’s work is helping people who have difficulty getting insurance due to their medical history. He relates one such instance, working with a middle-aged couple. He was able to get a cash value life insurance policy for the wife for a reasonable rate. After a few years, he explains, the policy’s cash value will be available to take out loans for home repair or any other necessities. Recounting the experience, Mander says, “This is one I can point to and say, ‘I did something good; I did something worthwhile.’”

Mander decided to join NAIFA to learn more about the insurance and financial services industry. He’s particularly interested in what he calls the "behind-the-scenes" of the industry: learning how legislation is written and having a say in how it’s shaped going forward.

Volunteering and the Great Outdoors

In his free time, Mander loves being outdoors—hiking, camping, sea kayaking, or cross-country skiing—or settling down with a good book on rainy days. He’s also an avid nature photographer and captures Alaska’s untamed majesty with his camera.

Mander also has a passion for Alaskan residents and businesses, preferring to “buy local” or “buy Alaska." He combines his love of the outdoors with his passion for volunteering with the Nordic Ski Association of Anchorage, organizing trail cleanups in the off-season. He also volunteers with the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, helping to organize events, and donates to the Blood Bank of Alaska.

Спасибо, Jack, for your service to our industry and association. We’re #NAIFAproud to call you one of our own.



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