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Main Street
NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

After Curt Lindsay earned his bachelor's degree in business and master’s degree in finance, he chose to follow his interest in economics and, in 1996, he entered the insurance and financial services industry as an agent and registered representative with Equitable. In the years following, he worked his way through the ranks, serving as regional vice president, district manager, executive vice president, and branch manager, among other roles.  

In 2014, Lindsay founded WestPoint Wealth Management on the principles of trust, integrity, accountability, and advocacy. “I decided to break away and create something that didn't exist before because that's really what I enjoy doing—taking something that wasn't around and creating it and building it.” He describes WestPoint’s philosophy, saying, “It’s believing in who you are. Not everybody is the same, and not everybody believes the same, but [it’s] holding true to who you are.” 

WestPoint opens its doors to everyone, regardless of assets or income. Consequently, they serve clients of all ages from all walks of life who live all over the United States. They offer insurance as well as investment products and advice, starting from a financial planning perspective and working collaboratively with each client to find solutions that fit their unique needs. The best part of his career is the opportunity to make an impact on his clients' lives, says Lindsay, adding, "We don’t turn anybody away because everybody needs help.” 

Lindsay shares a recent example of the firm’s versatility. Earlier this year, they advised a couple who were divorcing amicably, making sure that each had the protection they needed for themself and their children. “I think that shows our flexibility and our ability to work with situations that are not normal,” he begins. “They'll both go their separate ways, but they'll go as clients of ours.”  

Lindsay is proud of the WestPoint team of 15 advisors and is always looking for new agents and advisors. When hiring, he looks for individuals who have strong communication and presentation skills, but—equally important—people of integrity who are humble and want to work in tandem with the firm, each providing value to the other. 

Lindsay decided to make WestPoint a NAIFA Financial Security Champion because he believes in NAIFA’s mission to serve and advocate for Main Street USA at the local, state, and national levels. “It's important to all of us to get involved as much as possible in our national and local organization,” he says.  

We're excited to welcome WestPoint Wealth Management as a NAIFA Financial Security Champion and look forward to working with the team to help promote financial security for all.



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