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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Independence

2 min read

In Step with a Winner: Michael Lynch

By NAIFA on 2/23/12 2:11 PM

Financial planner Michael Lynch, CFP, CLTC, ChFC, has not been resting on his laurels since he won the Four Under Forty Award in 2007. He was MetLife’s number one planner from 2008 to 2010, and wants to continue that winning streak. Here is what he had to say when we caught up with him recently.

Advisor Today: Has your practice changed since you won the award?

Michael Lynch: It has continued to grow, shifting a bit to pre-retirees, although I still work heavily with young families and continue to get many referrals in this area.

AT: Are you still focusing on financial planning?

Lynch: I am still a financial planner. I was MetLife's Number One planner in 2008, 2009 and 2010. In general, I do about 100 fee-based relationships a year. It's how I structure my business.

I took on 53 new clients last year, two thirds of whom paid a financial-planning fee of some sort. In general, we update their plans once a year and keep them on track with their goals even in rough markets and bad recessions.

AT: Do you have any plans to pursue other areas this year?

Lynch: No big shifts. We are building teams at my agency and I am actively looking for a junior planner to assist me. Also, I am focusing on gathering assets. I believe I brought in roughly $8 million last year and I'd like to double that.

AT: What advice would you give to advisors who are just beginning their careers?

Lynch: I’d tell them to join NAIFA. Get excited about this great career, work hard, be passionate, and worry about what they give, not what they get. If you give, you will get--you can only take out what you put in.

I’d also tell them to find a mentor and help that person so that, in turn, that person can help them.

Nominate a rising star now

If you know a NAIFA member like Michael who is making a difference in his or her profession and community, nominate him or her for the Four Under Forty Award today. Click here to download the nomination form (PDF) or find it in the March/April issue of Advisor Today.

Don’t hesitate. Send in your nomination form today--your candidate might be just the one who has what it takes to join the ranks of the Four Under Forty!




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