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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Robert Krumroy, CLU, ChFC, held an educational session on Monday, Sept. 10, to teach NAIFA members new methods on prospecting and gathering possible clients.

“Insurance today is all about prospecting, not selling,” Krumroy said.

The big rules of prospecting are: be nice, think big and stop the excuses.

You must continue relationships with your current, new and prospective clients through reciprocation. Krumroy mentioned in his earlier speech during the general session about turning prospective clients’ business cards into luggage tags, and mailing them back with a letter setting up an appointment.

The other idea he shared during the educational session is signing clients up yearly magazine subscriptions to travel magazines. Through the magazine, your name will be in their minds at least once a month, and you will be remarkable, relevant and personable.

Sending magazine articles to prospective clients and CPAs can also strengthen your database of prospective clients.

Krumroy went over the importance of taking the business relationship between you and the clients to a higher level. “79 percent of people are more likely to buy from someone with whom they have an acquaintance.” (Steve Yastrow, 2007.) Your job, Krumroy said, is to build acquaintances.

Krumroy emphasized the importance of the prospecting database, saying those agents who build the largest database, which takes time, will be the most successful. He said managers need to realize that those agents who don’t make their monthly sale goals, they may be working on their database, which will pay off.

He ended the session by saying if you’re not adding 20 names a month to your database, you’re not taking prospecting seriously.

“Begin connecting with clients in a personal, engaging way.”



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