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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

1 min read

November is Long Term Care Awareness Month!

By NAIFA on 11/4/19 12:54 PM

November is Long-Term Care Awareness Month—and time for you to participate in Long Term Care Awareness Month, the campaign aimed at educating Americans about the importance of owning long-term-care products and services.

As you take part in LTC Awareness Month, do not forget to visit NAIFA’s online Limited and Extended Care Planning (LECP) at

NAIFA's Limited & Extended Care Planning Center (LECP), a free resource brought to you by NAIFA and the center’s founding sponsors. Packed with content and direct access to experts, the LECP Center brings together the continuum of funding mechanisms, tools and materials in one centralized location.

Also, several articles in Advisor Today, including the Craig Roers article in the November/December issue, provide helpful hints to help you enhance your LTC/LECP program. Visit www.advisortoday.com today and discover some of the steps taken by the best in the business to achieve success.

Now more than ever, there is a compelling need for Americans to prepare for and manage their long-term-care and extended-care needs. By helping them carry out this important task, you will be doing them and your practice a world of good!



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