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More Examples from Our Code of Ethics to Collaboratively Close the Coverage Gap

We may be taken aback when we fully realize that NAIFA is seriously working through LL Global to raise the life insurance coverage gap among professionals and their companies regarding life insurance in our country. LIMRA research indicates that 60 million American families lack life insurance or are underinsured. The Help Protect Our Families campaign is focused on improving Americans’ future financial security by increasing life insurance coverage among our families and is participated in by 76 life insurance carriers and distributors, focusing each month on an underserved market.

In December, the Help Protect Our Families Campaign provided a culmination of areas of needed growth, including a focus in:

As we can clearly see, Help Protect Our Families 2022 has been a significant and sustained campaign.

In consideration of the intent and effort of Help Protect Our Families 2022, which obligations from our Code of Ethics would clearly apply? My suggestions for this issue as in the February issue are two. The first is the second obligation, and the second would be the fourth obligation:

  • To work diligently to satisfy the needs of my clients by acting in their best interests.

This clearly expresses the importance of addressing the financial security needs of all clients, especially those of our families, and is the fiduciary obligation to clients.

  • To render timely and proper service to my clients and ultimately their beneficiaries.

This obligation specifically addresses our life insurance and related obligations to our clients and their beneficiaries.

The second event of high NAIFA involvement that clearly reflects our Code of Ethics in 2023 is NAIFA’s Congressional Conference, May 22-23, 2023. Within this event still upcoming, our representing members clearly state the role they play in providing advice, products, and services that improve the financial security of 90 million families, promote financial literacy and self-sufficiency in diverse communities, provide strength to the U.S. economy, and contribute to the financial health of communities in every congressional district. In summary, these representatives represent the best interest of their clients and promote the success and well-being of Americans on Main Street and businesses.

In addition to these benefits, our members will focus on building relationships, illustrating to public officials how public policies impact their clients. This gathering of NAIFA members provides the stories that our lawmakers both want to and need to hear. And so, we are certainly proud of our members who speak and listen to our leaders in Congress.

In this clear expression of service, upon which obligations in our Code of Ethics does this service represent? Clearly, the eighth obligation speaks to our officials who serve in the interest of our clients and all citizens of our Country:

  • To cooperate with others whose services best promote the interest of my clients.

And so, we can clearly reason that again we have seen that following the obligations of the Code of Ethics provides an excellent standard for our professional service.



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