Leadership, confidence, adaptability, and integrity are traits possessed by veterans of U.S. military service and also skills that help insurance and financial professionals succeed in their careers. So, no one should be surprised that veterans very often make great agents and advisors.
Steven Saladino, LUTCF, a Managing Director with Principal Financial Group in Tampa, FL, is just one example. Steve was a sergeant in the United States Army and a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division, serving from 1986-1990. He has been a loyal NAIFA member since 1991 and currently serves on NAIFA’s Board of Trustees.
Saladino offers interesting insights into how his military service helped him with his current professional success.
During his service, he worked in the 82nd Airborne’s Finance and Accounting Department at Fort Bragg, NC. This assignment, he said, provided on-the-job training and expertise and “allowed me to enter the financial services industry without a college degree.” But veterans have advantages even if their military training is not as neatly aligned with the financial profession as Saladino's.
“There is tremendous opportunity in this industry no matter what job you had in the military,” he said. “All military personnel have skill sets that are transferable and very attractive to most employers I speak with. This is a great choice for a second career!”
And NAIFA is working to encourage and support veterans in that choice.
NAIFA Advocacy Boosts Veterans in the Industry

NAIFA has worked with state insurance departments and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to promote a program under the GI Bill that compensates veterans in participating states up to $2,000 for the cost of taking insurance producer licensing exams. More than 40 states and the District of Columbia participate in the program. NAIFA state affiliates and members have been instrumental in many of those states, encouraging insurance departments to participate. We have testified before the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in support of the VA program.
You can learn more about the program from NAIFA partner WebCE, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and your state insurance commission.
Thank You to All of Our Veterans
Our nation owes a great debt of gratitude to our men and women in uniform, and helping them transition to successful careers after they leave the service is just one way we can show our appreciation and help repay that debt.
NAIFA is very proud of the many veterans we have among our membership, and we wish each and every one of them a very happy Veterans Day.